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I CAN’T stand my mother’s latest partner and don’t know how much longer I can hold my tongue.

The man is self-opinionate­d and odious. He ruins every family get-together with his crude jokes and argumentat­ive nature.

She tries so hard to stay upbeat but I believe that he deliberate­ly spoils the fun with his tantrums.

He’s a control freak who wants to bring her down and separate her from the rest of us.

My dear father would turn in his grave if he could see what she’s ended up with. My mother constantly makes excuses for the toad.

How do my sister and I convince her he’s nothing but a pain in the backside?

I HAD no idea my girlfriend was loaded when I first asked her out.

We were both volunteeri­ng at an old folks’ home.

She was putting on a show with a group of friends and I was reading to an old chap I’ve formed a bond with. Afterwards we were given tea by the head nurse and got chatting.

She was dressed up as a wartime Land Girl to remind the old folks of their youth and just seemed cheerful and nice.

The next night we went for a pizza (I paid) and a few nights later we made love for the first time at my flat.

But since getting to know her I’ve discovered she’s independen­tly wealthy. She’s from a rich family and doesn’t need to work, but boy is she stingy.


She won’t spend a penny on me because she says it’s the bloke’s duty to provide.

When we go for meals, drinks or nights out in local clubs she sits back while I pick up the tab.

She’s got expensive tastes too. She thinks nothing of ordering an exotic cocktail or the most expensive dish on a menu and then leaving most of it.

The other night she insisted we get a cab to a new club on the other side of town because she’d heard it was fun.

As she had no cash or cards on her, I paid the entrance fee for both of us and bought Champagne, shots and food.

But after 45 minutes she started saying that it was too loud and busy and she didn’t like the crowd. I organised a taxi home and realised I’d spent more than £225.

The next day I asked for a contributi­on and she sniffed that I was small-minded.

This is all so weird. When we first met she was involved in a charity doing good works for others yet she’s got no goodwill towards me. How does that work?

I doubt if she knows or cares how little I actually earn. How can I get her to notice that I’m struggling here without the risk of being dumped?

JANE SAYS: I suggest you and your sister get your mother on her own and read her the riot act. She has to hear that you are both very worried about her.

Everyone has their breaking point and clearly your mother hasn’t reached hers yet.

But she needs to understand she can’t allow him to humiliate her or break her spirit.

She mustn’t feel sorry or responsibl­e for the man if he’s downright rude and simply not worthy of her trust.

Reassure her you’ll be there, ready to help when she finally needs an escape. It’s no good her saying he’s lovely behind closed doors if he’s a nightmare in company.

She must realise that she deserves better. JANE SAYS: Your girlfriend is living in a bubble.

Just because she has money thrown at her by her rich parents doesn’t mean that everyone else does too.

The reality is that your cash is going to run out very soon.

Then you’ll be in debt and your problems will be a thousand times worse.

My guess is that she actually knows exactly what she’s doing.

She keeps her cash at home so that you always have to treat her. Not stupid, is she?

I suggest you stop trying to impress her and start being honest. Sit her down and tell her that this can’t go on.

You don’t have unlimited funds. Could she start meeting you halfway? How about taking it in turns to pick up bills?

Tell her that you’re not being mean or petty – although, I suspect, she is – but just realistic.

Sadly, if she has a problem with that, you’ll have to ask yourself whether there is any substance to this relationsh­ip.

My feeling is that you’re paying too high a price to have this person in your life.

 ??  ?? STINGY: She won’t put her hand in her pocket and expects him to foot the bill for nights out
STINGY: She won’t put her hand in her pocket and expects him to foot the bill for nights out
 ??  ??

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