Daily Star

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I’m afraid the time has now come for all our police officers to be armed. Pistols are needed to defend the public and themselves against terrorists. We should also bring back the death penalty for all murderers. EBG yet another terrorist attack. Keep armed police/soldiers on streets permanentl­y. Fund this by cutting foreign aid by 50 per cent. anonz People keep saying “Why did the London Bridge attack happen?” It’s obvious. the attackers are out to kill as many non Muslims as possible, not just Christians, but all other beliefs and if the odd normal, peaceful Muslim gets in the way, they don’t care about them either. CG So murdering terrorist filth in action once again in London. As they were only armed with knives, they figured by wearing dummy explosives, would minimise any confrontat­ion, more time, more carnage. Respect to magnificen­t rapid reaction of our emergency services. CRUSADER Amazing effort from the police etc to get on to London Bridge in less than 10 minutes and see off those terrorists. its one incredible effort, after all they are only human, too. ready, leeds I would like to send my condolence­s to the families, friends and colleagues of those who lost their lives and hope the injured recover quickly. Once again the emergency services did a brilliant job on Saturday night in the wake of the London attack. David Adler, Manchester Another terrorist attack in London at London Bridge and Borough Market. Makes me so angry, idiots trying to strike fear by killing and injuring the innocent. I stand tall with London at this sad time. Marie, Billingham After killing 3 attackers at London Bridge on Saturday night, police were worried in case there were any more. Are they joking? There’s hundreds, probably thousands living in this country waiting for their turn. CHARLTON GARRY just how long do the authoritie­s expect british people to put up wiv these attacks? i have never forgotten my training in the forces. Its time to fight fire wiv fire. robtin Enough now. If there are 3,000 terror suspects known to intelligen­ce sources they must be arrested now. It has to be stopped before any more innocent lives are lost. Will somebody have the guts to get these cowards off our streets and out of our country? JoM Until the government stops burying their heads in the sand over the problem, these so called terrorist attacks will continue and increase. GARRY this is never ending. the world is at war with itself. Innocents perish across the earth. What possessess people to do this. We rest in peace so why not live in it. JOHN, Kirkby don’t forget May was home Secretary for years. clearly she didnt do enough to avoid the deep horrors we are now suffering. MICKY, Stoke the tory cuts to the police and army was a green flag for terrorists to do what they like. Sandy terrorists killing on our streets, the government “killing our way of life”. where do we turn? George Elliott What happens if corbyn is pm and disarms our police? durham al Who would dare invade UK if Corbyn was PM? After being captured, they’d be dragged to No 10 & waffled to death. Den, Perth To all the MPs and PC brigade who have been saying we need more immigrants for years now. well now we are seeing what this policy has brought us. Many of us ordinary people have warned of mass immigratio­n and its possible effects for donkeys year. Abs, manchester I’m against the Tories winning on June 8. Theresa May was a useless home secretary as we all remember. a weak woman who stuffed up getting Abu qatada. incompeten­t as prime minister, too. says after the suicide bomber in Manchester, terrorists won’t win but they did. she forgets 22 people died and 60 more families were affected by relatives either injured or having life changing injuries so terrorists are already winning. also her deciding to wage war on the most vulnerable and elderly people who have fought for this country is nothing short of scandalous. McCALL corbyn and trident. Do we want theresa may waiting for war dog trump to give her permission to press the red button? Norm how long will it be before the government tax the money donated to the people who were injured or killed in the manchester attack? Jo jo what the world needs is more angels like ariana grande. kerry B.G.T: Amanda Holden’s critics are just a bunch of jealous gits. She has a body most women would die for and she’s probably one of two reasons why most people tune in. Carry on showing all your delightful curves Amanda. Chicken George, Shrewsbury im disgusted with amanda holden wearing that stupid dress, she looked a right tart. How stupid dressing like that. Good job she aint my daughter. From anne Sick of looking at Amanda Holden she’s another Katie Price, attention seeker. PIP Cowell, get rid of those 3 goons u got as judges. They wldnt no talent if it bit em on the backside. Gizza job simon. i predicted tokio as winner from day one. Swamp duck I’m surprised Sinitta didn’t step in and use her palm leafs to keep Simon Cowell cool on BGT when he forgot to turn his fan on. LEO, LEEDS The Bethany plot on Coronaton Street is shocking. it may reflect the sad era we live in but Ena sharples and Minnie Caldwell will be turning in their graves. JC. mcr How does Kevin Webster’s garage keep going? There’s never any customers and the cars never have any work done on them! Mal the claret TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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read a really just called cracking book Cliff by Fell Off The the Dover.Yes Eileen are easily old ones the best. Cost 25p plus network rate. You will be charged even if your text is not published HORROR: A cop stands guard near London Bridge in the...

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