Daily Star

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Well done D/S front page headlines “HEROES”. That says it all about the speed of the Police and Ambulance services. Not forgetting those who comforted and cared for the victims. HEROES the lot. Meemeee Watched BBC what the papers say and it commended the D/STAR 4 its front page headlines HEROES. Well deserved too. The front, centre and all pics tell it all. To the emergency services and bystanders who helped the injured, i say, HEROES ALL. Lotus Lil if a huge amount of these cowards committing these terror attacks are known to the police, why can’t they all be arrested & deported as soon as possible without trial. it must be the only way to stop this killing of innocent people in our country. TOPPER if the government know about the 3,000 cowardly scumbags plotting to kill us, why dont they do something before they attack? big ben, donny If we know of and are watching at least 3,000 of them living here in our country the view that we can’t act until they commit an atrocity is ridiculous. We should bring back the death sentence and get rid of these a ******* s. Red squid How is it when there is a terrorist attack, the day after the police storm propertys and arrest suspects who may be involved in terrorism. The police should arrest them first then worry about the implicatio­ns. anon you can arm every police officer in the country but if they do not know where these cowards are coming from to murder people how can they stop them I personaly think eight minutes was excellent alphaone Selby Why are we having an investigat­ion into the police shootings of these terrorists? They did a fantastic job and shot evil b ****** s, well done. Typical of this country, people do their jobs and then get scrutinise­d for doing it! Moose Dear Theresa: just tell us the whole truth and ask everyone to chip in a few quid temporaril­y to pay for more police and nurses. Stew, yks What a wonderful concert by Ariana Grande. Miley Cyrus had a great idea saying she would love to team up with Ariana for an annual concert. The hurt and murders in London again. So horrific! Farouk Crosshill We need to stop sending money abroad and use it for schools, NHS & protecting the public on streets. words are cheap Mrs may. too many people now dying on British streets. concerts n speeches do not bring these people back. action is required before more loss of life. buchy tyneside rename one of the stands at old trafford cricket club “the grande stand” with each of the victims names written on it. dingle dudley give ariana grande a key to manchester. she’s already an honorary mancunian. top lass. stocky shell Mr trump is right. We need 2 stop being pc & grip extremists by the b***s. No more tip-toeing around. Get rid. I LOVE MANCHESTER Got to pull the plug on Internet companies who allow terrorists to spread their hate. BONEHEAD Why can’t we train our pub bouncers to be able to use pepper spray or cs gas to thwart terrorists? Stevie, m/well i’m seeking asylum in an islamic country. I expect to be fast tracked for free money, housing and healthcare. I wont bother to learn the native language but will exercise my rites to slam yr religion while wearing a bikini. i reckon i wud last about a week before being deported or stoned to death. We need to toughen up, multicultu­rism not working. Lily the pink my uncle and aunt were over here on holiday. they have never seen so much poverty. people sleeping rough, begging in the streets. if that was canada there would be riots. Anna If Snake Oil Salesman Corbyn and his Commie Kidologist­s plus Saboteur Sturgeon hold the balance of power come Friday it will be a calamity unfolding from which our great country may never recover! ron, essex Corbyn, Sturgeon & Farron. seriously does anyone believe these Muppets could and would defend our country and people at this or any other time? MOGGIE CAT Corbyn must be expecting to win the euromillio­ns rollover. only way he will afford all his ridiculous promises. Mooseman Newsflash! a body has been found at the local allotment. Police said they would keep the public up to date as the plot thickens? DELBOY, LANGLEES, FALKIRK Can’t believe Simon Cowell could get a Knighthood for simply doing his job on TV. What rubbish. LEO F never mind paxman gettin a knighthood, how about makin kirsty wark a lady, dame or baroness? (maybe ALL3)? she’d bring sex appeal 2 the lords! trevor, m/c Our gentle legend actor Peter Sallis. Last of da Summer Wine, Norm Clegg. Wallace N Gromit. RIP. LOVE JAYNE RIP Peter Sallis. Don’t worry, we’ll look after Gromit for you. LEO, LEEDS Stopped watching Corrie & Eastenders, just very depressing programmes. have they all forgot how to laugh. ANNE FIELD BGT is a family show. that dress Amanda Holden wore was not suitable. just attention seeking. What an example she is setting to her 2 daughters. silly woman. Cheshire girl All this hoo-ha about Amanda Holden’s dresses. wonder how many parents who’ve complained let their kids watch Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and Little Mix dance provocativ­ely with next to nothing on? The valiant after watching rip off britain, any curry shop selling lamb curry but using beef should be named. neal blackpool Bet there are 7 words kim kardashian dont say 2 hubby or friends. Does my bum look big in this! Swamp duck TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page. C go bl co

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that remember I when magical day to my proposed I kneeling future wife, her with and asking four those famous “You’re little words, not are you”. BOUNCY Cost 25p plus network rate. You will be charged even if your text is not published Text followed by...

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