Daily Star


We were in a right flap says Trippier


TRAINING for England at the weekend was intense and in tents, leaving Kieran Trippier and Kyle Walker in a right flap.

That’s because the Tottenham defenders could not get to grips with a challenge the England players were put through on a Royal Marines boot camp.

“Me and Walks were the only ones to get our tent up the wrong way,” said Trippier, who is hoping to make his England debut in the World Cup qualifier against Scotland on Saturday.

“It was getting a bit too dark so we didn’t have time to put it back round.

“Because it was already up we thought we may as well sleep in it. We rolled out our sleeping bags, which were really comfortabl­e.

“It took us ages to get to sleep because there were loads of others talking.

“We only got a couple of hours because they came back in at half five in the morning and told us to put our tents down.

“We had to get the gear all back in our bags. We then had a four-mile hike as well, but the assault courses were good.”

Boss Gareth Southgate surprised his squad by preparing them for the battle against the ‘Auld Enemy’ with a visit to a Commando Training Centre in Devon.

Twenty England players were taken out of their comfort zones in a 48hour boot camp designed for Marine recruits.

It was part of Southgate’s plan to instil some steel and leadership qualities into his squad, something so clearly lacking from the Three Lions at Euro 2016.

“It was a bit of a shock,” said Trippier. “We had to get changed into our combat gear and were carrying big rucksacks. We went to our camp in pairs and had to cook our own food on the metal trays after we’d made our own little fires.

“Then we had to do running and crawling through rocks and we got thrown through water tunnels.

“I am not a fan of being underwater. They pulled us through the tunnels, which was a bit scary as I was trying to reach out and grab him [the Marine] and could not find him.

“That was the scariest, but we all tried it and all did it.

“It just shows you how tough the guys really are and I have so much respect for them.

“This is the first time I’ve ever done anything like this.

“I’m glad I have done it. It was a great experience and mentally tough. We all got through it in the end.


“It is something different. It brings the team together through the tough times and we all help each other out.”

Trippier insists his mission to take Walker’s spot as England’s firstchoic­e right-back will not damage their long-standing friendship.

But it looks likely their battle for supremacy at Spurs will not last much longer, with Walker expected to head to Manchester City in a £40m deal after next Tuesday’s friendly against France.

“We have different qualities and we bounce off each other and are good mates,” added Trippier.

“We first played together in the Under-19s when we went to Ukraine in the Euros. Walks played centrehalf and I played right-back.

“So we have known each other for a long time and we always try and give credit to each other whoever plays. We help each other out.”

 ??  ?? MISSING OUT: Bale MARCHING ON: Rivals Walker and Trippier have stayed friends and (below) the full-back in Royal Marines training
MISSING OUT: Bale MARCHING ON: Rivals Walker and Trippier have stayed friends and (below) the full-back in Royal Marines training

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