Daily Star

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So shocked to hear about Ant McPartlin going into rehab with drug and alcohol problems and his suffering from anxiety attacks. I wish him a speedy recovery. Get well soon Ant, we’re all rooting for you. Marie Billingham xx Get well soon Ant, you are the best. We all love you. nanny val Best wishes to Ant. Get well soon big man. The love is always here for you. Chicken George Shrewsbury So only £5,500 if you lose everything in grenfell tower fire. that’s a pair of shoes to the pm. millionair­e ministers who have no grasp of reality. stevie, m/well 5K for tower blaze families? wouldn’t pay for an mp’s duck house. teesside pete Shame on all you hard left activists using Grenfell and all those that lost their lives to push your political agendas! You are an absolute disgrace, the way you are behaving you are actually getting Grenfell people less sympathy. Anon I agree with you Hull hazel. Easy to say awful things about our Royal family when they can’t answer back. Her majesty has given her life to this country and we should be thankful for her. No doubt the criticism will get worse when she appears at Ascot because she’s not to enjoy things like us is she? JoM In the words of the great British rock band, Yes, I Love All Good People. Peace and love to this island and all who live in it! Give peace a chance! HIPPIE BRUM I feel very sorry 4 people of grenfell tower. May didn’t start fire. Tried to organise funds. corbyn open your home to these poor people how many empty rooms have u got? And the others causing trouble, these people r going through very sad time. Ljd Grenfell tragedy chaos. Now union leaders plotting summer strikes 2 cause chaos 2 oust PM May, 2 let in Corbyn as PM. If this happens, the unions under Corbyn will exult with their power 2 cause national bedlam. No more Great in GB. Des Pare So Theresa May says: “The response of emergency services & NHS were heroic.” Hypocrite. The Tories hammered these people with cuts. JASPER Theresa May has felt the wrath of the people’s ‘Out’ cry! She’s put her hand up and tried to put it right. But remember, we have just had a string of terror attacks. She’s not Wonder Woman! JAMIE How people like Diane Abbott and now Hammond can go on telly and spout nonsense and keep their integrity is beyond me. A lesson in physics. Water puts out fires. Listen to the Fire Brigade you mug. Sprinklers work. Got it? The Dodge Diane Abbott back omg, an amazing recovery now she does not have questions to answer. Jonny lad Re: R Head. You claim that B Johnson was scoring political points. So has Corbyn for months. Carlton Time to stand strong Mrs May and rise up above the other political pygmies and go for a hard brexit. that’s what we voted for. and kick out that useless chancellor Philip Hammond, he will sell us down the river. blue Looks like a soft Brexit, May backslidin­g already, waste of time having referendum. After all she was a Remainer. SCOUSE Why should we have to shut our windows and doors because some moron starts a garden fire. We’ve got 3 bins now, so use them. ANNE FIELD Last surviving Dambuster, Johnny Johnson, who had a petition started by people asking that this brave man be awarded a knighthood, has instead been awarded the MBE, the same honour as Ed Sheeran and Emeli Sande!!! Meanwhile Billy Connelly, a man who laughs at his own jokes, gets the highest honour. Says it all really. gts How was johnny johnson who fought 4 queen and country not honoured with a knighthood? The honours system needs looking at. steve m rochford essex Olympics bosses are still paying themselves £1.5m 5 years after London Olympics. How does this happen? GRAFTER I wanna know who mugs are giving their money to that sham Lottery? Scamalot even have cheek to hide behind ‘good causes’! Total con. JK Men who say tummy need to man up. It’s stomach. And no cissy bun haircuts 4 men, u wimps. chris Too much sun man! Can’t sleep, sweating buckets, uncomforta­bly hot. A nice strong breeze would be very welcome with maybe a hint of the wet stuff in the evening! COOL DUDE With all the doom and gloom in our world, take time to watch DIY SOS The Big Build, it really restores your faith in humanity. Nick Knowles and the team give people a new life, and everyone pulls together. Brilliant. Mooseman Wheeler Dealers’ Edd China has got to be the best mechanic in the world. The man is brilliant. BONEHEAD When will that clown Jeremy Kyle stop getting that dinosaur Julie and her tribe on his TV show? They’re only there for free travel, free hotels, and whatever other handouts they can get. PETE THE CHEAT How can annoying Sue Perkins keep getting TV work? She ain’t even funny. stig2 dozy Judy Murray hates Wimbledon. Can i have your ticket i would love to go. You stupid woman. Jonny lad. Good on the football stars Hector Bellerin and Raheem Sterling going to put money into helping the victims of London. It’s a pity these pop stars don’t do the same instead of singing. Cheryl Piers Morgan says he owns up when he is wrong. I remember when, as an editor, he was duped with the fake Iraq soldiers pictures. Wouldn’t admit he was wrong then. MICK STAFFS TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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