Daily Star

I had Reet old pub singalong



RITA Ora’s new LP was recorded in a pub and her mum stars as a vocalist.

The Your Song singer grew up in a boozer as a kid and decided to go back to make music there. It was her way of escaping from the pressures of the music biz. Reets explained: “I wanted people that I’ve known my whole life to be around me while I was in that creative process. “My dad owns a pub, so I would go to the pub all the time and like chill, it was the first time I made music without people screaming down my neck.” One of the perks of recording in a pub is a few free shandys and some pork scratching­s. Reets laughed: “I even recorded some of the album while drunk. “I went home to record this album and went out and got drunk with friends that I’ve known my life.” The “super personal” music features a guest cameo by Mummy Ora as well as other family members too. Reets added: “It’s fun cos I wanted my friends to talk on it and my mum to talk on it. And everything has an interlude.

“It’s a record that’s like a photo album. The artwork has a lot to do with where I’m from.”

Rita wowed the GQ awards yesterday when she handed the cast of Stranger Things the Editor’s Special Award. Next she will be releasing her Charli XCX-assisted single, Girls in October.

She teased: “I’m thinking about putting something out that represents me and my girls, a going-out anthem, definitely a girl-power track.”

I fully expect that a few Jägerbombs were enjoyed with Charli recording that one too.

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