Daily Star

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avin watched it again deffo sending off dispite wot corpral clop says dangerous high boot mane ad ter go and if he’d been joe barton nobody ud a mithered about it an wud ave spent night in pub slaggin barton. right decision red card. cityzen Hope a cloud of skunk s**t deposits it’s load on villa park on the obnoxious villa fans. It might stop the infantile rants of Heron who should concentrat­e on his school work. BLUENOSE 2 andy stez ctid. We wuz robbed @ da etihad u wur rubbish. We bang on bowt efc, ewes & mufc coz we feel inferior. Ok la. sir spider lfc farce at wham mon nite loads season ticket holders missed K.O. due to their new season ticks not arriving in time plus they have got to allocate more disabled parking spaces near the ground shuttle. is a joke and unless they sort out parking near the ground gonna lose a lot of fans in their 60s. too much walking I don’t like stadium but I’ll go where wham play cause of my love for the club. whutid. wham Oh the joy of listening 2 loser kopites making excuses 4 their rabble of a team. Wen will u learn u are no longer a top flight club. Yawn. PAUL COOK ad ter laugh 4 games an sacked bloody joke an boring failure hodgson needing time to iron a few things out. wot e means is how much is e being paid. I bet palace fans a***d off with is boring appointmen­t. cdnt pick team ter beat iceland. bt dale So Heron Villa you think we need an appeal to help us fill the stands and buy tracksuit bottoms. If you do that for us we will return the favour and but you lots of pink wool and knitting needles to keep the vast amount of women in your stands occupied. True Blue village idiot why did you never answer wham bob when he ask you where cfc fans were on 22/12/1989 zenith cup game? only just over 8thou there many wham though. you have never answered it even genuine cfc fans in dssport think your a plonker ha ha. bubbles sussed cfc, she has never been 2 a footy ground in her life. Doesn’t like or understand the game, just googles trivia crap 2 annoy real fans on forum. Debate that u pest. bantaman very early shout. All four champ lge semi-finalist to be English. wouldn’t it be nice if a bookie offered 100/1 for it. Time for them to give something back to their main customers base. Just saying! spurnaciou­s D

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