Daily Star

Holiday bug compo scam pair caged


- By BILL MARTIN news@dailystar.co.uk


A COUPLE who faked holiday illnesses have been jailed in a landmark case.

Deborah Briton and Paul Roberts tried to pocket compensati­on – claiming they and their children had fallen sick in Mallorca in 2015 and 2016.

But the pair’s social media showed posts where they boasted of holidays full of “sun, laughter and fun”.

Briton 53, sobbed as she was locked up for nine months after admitting four counts of fraud.

Roberts was sentenced to 15 months after admitting the same offences. The 43-year-old cried and shook in the court throughout the hearing yesterday.

Family members – including Briton’s daughter Charlene, who had initially been charged with two counts of fraud which were later dropped – shouted out as the couple were sent down.

The private prosecutio­n was brought by holiday company Thomas Cook.

Liverpool Crown Court heard the couple, from Walfrom lasey, Wirral, tried to claim nearly £20,000 for the fake stomach bugs. The holiday firm faced a further £28,000 in legal expenses if they had succeeded.

Sentencing the pair, Judge David Aubrey told them the claims were a “complete and utter sham”. He said: “They were bogus start to finish. They were totally and utterly fake. Why? Pure greed.

“Seeking to get something for nothing.”

Judge Aubrey said there had been an “explosion” in gastric illness claims by UK holidaymak­ers.

He warned that people who made bogus claims “must expect to receive an immediate custodial sentence”.

Charles Lander, defending Roberts, said he was “a broken man”.

Lloyd Morgan, defending Briton, said she recognised “the dishonour and disgrace” she had brought on her family and friends.

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 ??  ?? JAIL: Roberts and Briton
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