Daily Star

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Poppy parades face axe due to police cuts. Just about sums this country up, the Great went out of Britain long ago. My relatives who died in two world wars will be turning in their graves. AL, DURHAM So West Midlands police cannot police road traffic for Remembranc­e day parades, what’s wrong with using Special constables and Community support officers. Stockton jeff Police controllin­g traffic at Poppy Remembranc­e Parades: It’s a ‘Cop Out’ and disgrace re those who fought and died for this country. Who else controls traffic other than ‘POLICE’. Andy so Remembranc­e services have to be cancelled due to lack of police. Shameful. There are officers Guarding an EMPTY house All year owned by Blair Shameful. Cider man Cop car with a rainbow paint job? Can’t you just imagine PC George and PC Zippy too busy to investigat­e a domestic between Jeffrey and Bungle. Duffy One law for the rich and another for the poorer. Having older car drivers pay more to travel in inner London says it all. These drivers are probably driving the cars they do because they can’t afford newer vehicles. Ray, Keighley Mayor of London increasing entry charge: if people are to use public transport each person should demand a seat on the trains and buses, make them put more carriages and buses on. gf Why dosen’t the mayor of london take on the real polluters of london. The airlines. One plane every 3 mins showering londoners with tons of pollution, soon to double with another runway. Gery livingston Agree with phone ban while driving but wat about driving with a cup of coffee. It is now sold all over the place. People buy & drive off cup in hand. PATTENMAN 72 lords and god only knows how many MPs at it again claiming millions in expenses despite not doing thier job properly but it don’t stop em dumping on the millions of poor nd needy of us mere serfs. It’s time for a complete investigat­ion into the set up of both houses without cover ups or a peasants revolt. robtin people sleeping on the streets, mothers going to food banks yet lords get three hundred pounds for signing a book – wake up people. anna people have had enough ov lords and mps claiming expenses. gina people on benefits are called scroungers but Lords and MPs claiming expenses for doing nothing. alex So, 50 kids a week applying for sex changes; it’s offensive 2 call a pregnant woman a woman? The government ARE slowly creating a Two Ronnies ‘WORM THAT TURNED’ world! No job without a dress sir! OZZY. LONDON had to laugh at neal blackpool: try Waltham Abbey masses of green belt being built on, wildlife wiped out, NO ONE cares about wildlife, too many on back handers. DOGLOVER u buy a telly with no money u get loans but the interest is more than the telly – u pay back more than u can afford. steroid banking. gordon gekko if the allegation­s about initiatons made by becks about himself, gary neville, butt, scholes & savage are true then the man in charge, fergie, has questions 2 answer? kenny, m/c if ‘slapper’ laura simpson & rooney ‘DIDNT’ HAVE SEX how come she knows the size of his tackle & his technique? Answer that coleen! john paul o’brian, liverpool To anon, Ystrad; I agree, people sticking their tongues out for selfies is disgusting, especially when they have metal studs and tattoos on them! Gaz Shane my wife says the same, ‘when I am in my wheelchair am I invisible’. Also well said mate. Bigman Does any of u maniacs still like listening to 60s music? Drifters, Platters, Ronettes to mention but a few. KIM JUNG AGAIN can’t believe it’s 40 yrs since 1 of best albums ever. “Never Mind The B ***** ks” by the innovative, superduper, noisy Sex Pistols. Bantaman Omg what the hell does CLIFF have to do to stop people having a pop at him. He’s been going 60yrs next year and yes I’m one of the blue rinse brigade that follow him everywhere, he still gives a ROCKING 100% good show. We his true fans don’t give a toss what people say. Hev, bucks On da Highway To Hell N Heaven! AC/DC producer. RIP. Jayne I am sure I saw a pic of Harry Styles holding a guitar, don’t think he’ll be the next “Slowhand” Clapton? Mansfield Tony Shakin toolmaker talking sense, must be a yorkie. Simmo, wakey said to my local baker why are all these cakes 50p and this one is £1. He said that’s my Madeira cake. tony the window cleaner TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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is My girlfriend good at doing She impression­s. leaves a deep on the impression she sofa where of sits for most the day. AL Cost 25p plus network rate. You will be charged even if your text is not published Text followed by a space, your comment and...

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