Daily Star


Anne blasts ‘softy’ pest victims

- By JACK ANDREWS news@dailystar.co.uk

TELLY presenter Anne Robinson has been slammed for “victim blaming” over the latest sex pest claims.

The outspoken Weakest Link host blasted “fragile” modern women who are unable to deal with sexual harassment.

Anne, 73, said: “Forty years ago, there were very few of us women in power and, I have to say, we had a much more robust attitude to men behaving badly.

“Now what seems to have happened, the glass ceiling has been shattered but running alongside that is a sort of fragility amongst women who aren’t able to cope with the treachery of the workplace.”

But one angry tweet read: “Shame on Anne Robinson. This is classic victim blaming. Absolutely disgusted. Get her off the air.”

While another blasted: “Omg! People like Anne Robinson are obviously not living on the same planet? Blaming the victims isn’t the answer.” A third ® posted: “Anne Robinson is a dinosaur who should not be given air time.”

The storm blew up as shocking details emerged of sexual harassment allegation­s against 36 Tory MPs.

PM Theresa May has been urged to sack Internatio­nal Trade Minister Mark Garnier over claims that he asked his Commons secretary to buy sex toys and called her “sugar t**s”.

Anne said: “It shouldn’t be happening but, on the other hand, why have women lost confidence and why do, certainly MPs, a PA to a trade minister, feel they have to get and buy sex toys when they’re asked to? I despair.”

She added: “How come the Prime Minister, only 24 hours ago, decided this was a problem? What has happened is it has become inconvenie­nt to ignore it any more.

“It would be helpful if women, particular­ly older women and women in power, stopped it being tolerated.”

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®Ê APOLOGY: Spacey said sorry while confirming he is gay STAR: Anthony, left, and pictured, above left, in 1987’s Adventures In Babysittin­g
 ??  ?? STORM: Quiz host Robinson
STORM: Quiz host Robinson
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