Daily Star

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Only in this country, free housing for terrorists while our soldiers have to live on the streets. Drillerman be a soldier serve your country come home become homeless. Be a jihadi, go murder innocent people return home get free council house – what the f*** is up with this country? stig2 rent free houses for terrorists – the government has lost the plot. bobtopscaf­f Watch out! A Jihadi returning from Syria could be given a council house next to you. And you could end up without a leg to stand on. Literally. PHANTOM TEXTER Free council houses for isis scum – this is an insult to humanity. Why don’t they get a free bomb kit to make it easier to MURDER more innocent people!!! MAD MAX DONCASTER Free housing, benefits, bribes & jobs for jihadis? The lunatics have taken over the asylum. Den, Perth This country is a f***ing joke, a laughing stock of the world. EBG Jihadis to jump to top of housing list and get free houses, the only place they should be is top off skyscraper, then thrown off. col if you really want to keep the UK safe take their passports away and deport them – somebody just grow a pair, stand up and be counted. John Williams what a piss take, what about our homeless plp? karl so OUR government are to give OUR houses and OUR money to returning jihadis. How much lower get they get. DISGUSTING. PAT wot a gullible, stupid country we r. Scared 2 death of givin terrorists wot they deserve. Yet another plotter given nothing sentence. Only death sentence is gud enuf 4 these cowardly scumoles. Bantaman Jihadis to be given council houses, help to find work and counsellin­g in hope that they don’t attack britain. UNBELIEVAB­LE. AL so now we gonna provide council houses and help finding jobs for terror suspects from syria, are u havin a laugh, wtf whitehall. Disgusted Wake up and smell the coffee PM. Grow a pair Mrs may we don’t want them in our once proud country which a long line of idiot politician­s, you being the latest, have no idea, no sense of honour to Britain and no balls. Patriot who is running our country exactly? It’s not people with common sense that’s for sure. paul lancs I’ve just been offered a council house I’ve been waiting 5 years for. But I’ve turned it down. I don’t want people thinking I’m a Jihadi. Grobbo ISIS threatenin­g a Royal Prince is GROSS ignorance of history as Hitler, Napoleon, Spanish Armada, IRA, Communists, have all failed at extinguish­ing the Royal Family. Ed Chat Beaten up cos of poppies on car. Probably be a different tale if it was one on one! Scum. Wear your poppy with pride! RAMBO Are we not offending Catholics by burning Guy Fawkes every 5th of November, PC Brigade slipped up there. KH Hartlepool the problem with our culture is all these rich posh boys think they are above the law. sandy Theresa may says we need a change ov culture, try helping people in poverty would be a good start. andy Now Theresa. Catalan walked away without all the rigmarole that you are accepting. THAT’S how it’s done. NOW. Pull yer finger out and tell them EU idiots to get stuffed with their blackmail. KC LEEDS Saddam Hussain was toppled coz of WMD, which he never had. Kim Jong-un seems 2 have such deadly weapons and he is a nutter who would use them. So who would have the grit 2 topple him? SAS and DELTA Force best bet. x Sgt B. Waire Gibby re Trump have not got head in sand. It is not the liberal left who are putting up walls on Mexican border, cutting health care to the needy or refusing to condemn attacks by the ult right. It is seniors of the republican party who see trump for what he is, an unfit President. Dave B congratula­tions to the england under seventeen squad for showing us there is hope for the future of english football by winning their world cup in a magnificen­t display through the tournament. also to sheffield untd for fielding a squad made up entirely of british n irish players. robtin lewis hamilton should be made a sir, this country should be so proud of him fantastic f1 driver. lucylou if they reduce the age consent to 14 are we going to say sorry to all the peadoes. The law is the law, they broke it, accept it. tubby leven Fed up with JUNK MAIL? Do what I do, post it back into the box of your local post office. Junk Mail solved. Shane U can hav all this boring reality sh@@te, giv me Sir David Attenborou­gh’s Blue Planet on BBC any day. julie The double shooting in Corrie before 9pm was sickening. Have been watching old episodes from 1986 on ITV3 so much better. Jack & Vera, Hilda Ogden, Curly, Percy Sugden, Alf & Audrey, Bet Lynch, Sally & Kevin. Plus the original music before they speeded it up and spoilt it? Great stuff. PETE G W MIDS I tried to stick with the remake of TVs Porridge but it’s rubbish. Time there was a ban on remaking tv classics because they just don’t seem to work? LEO F Yet more mumblings in TV series Gunpowder. One could almost think they were plotting something. LEO,LEEDS X factor has 2 b worst yr ever. Rap crap in nearly every act, tuneless songs. Even judges and crowd trying hard 2 get excited. Will give it a rest next wk, don’t care who wins. GINNY P I agree with Jedwod: too much focus on the judges, it’s all about them and Nicole prancing about than the contestant­s. I haven’t watched this series for that sole reason, no wonder ratings are down! Pauline brum Tom Ellis two timing Tamzin Outhwaite ARE YOU MAD SIR? gts TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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