Daily Star


Marriage doomed to fail

- By JOE COSHAN news@dailystar.co.uk

ROMANTIC Brits who get married on Valentine’s Day are more likely to end up divorced.

The 14th of February might seem like the most lovey-dovey day to tie the knot.

But research shows that couples who marry on the “big day of romance” are far more likely to split.

A study by the University of Melbourne in Australia said Valentine’s sweetheart­s are more impulsive.

Research also revealed these couples live together for a shorter time on average before marrying.

Getting hitched on Valentine’s Day means you are 45% less likely to make it to your third anniversar­y than pairs who marry on other days of the year.

The analysis of more than 1.1million ® Pictures: LIVEPIX Dutch weddings that found 6% of weddings on St Valentine’s Day had failed within three years, compared to the 4% average. The average number of weddings on a weekday throughout the year is 313, but that number soars to 1,039 for February 14, the research said. And couples who married on a Monday or Tuesday were also at higher risk. The report, published in the Journal of Population Economics, states: “The chance to marry on a special date could increase the net attractive­ness of a wedding and lead to quicker and lowerquali­ty marriage commitment­s.” The study added that these factors “might increase the vulnerabil­ity of the resulting marriages”.

 ??  ?? FORGET buying your lover a dozen red roses for Valentine’s Day – buy her a shed.
That’s the message from a garden constructi­on firm this February 14.
Bourne Buildings in Farnham, Surrey, has installed new banners inviting motorists to purchase a love...
FORGET buying your lover a dozen red roses for Valentine’s Day – buy her a shed. That’s the message from a garden constructi­on firm this February 14. Bourne Buildings in Farnham, Surrey, has installed new banners inviting motorists to purchase a love...
 ??  ??

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