Daily Star

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SO Danny Dyer is playing the hard man and threatenin­g to “do over” any guy who comes too close to his daughter on this new Survival of the Fittest show? Why else would she be going on the show? BETTY BOO Does hardman Danny Dyer really think that these hunks will be scared off his girl Dani on Survival of the Fittest. Just look at her! YOWZA CONGRATULA­TIONS to Danny Dyer for giving trashy new ITV2 show Survival of the Fittest all the publicity it could possibly want. ANON How many more wannabes living off the backs of their showbiz celebrity parents? now we have Danny Dyer’s daughter plastered all over the papers, how much real talent is over looked because of this nepotism. give hard working people a chance instead of this never ending rubbish. Red fred So Jon Venables now claims the devil made him kill little James Bulger. Let’s see the clever b ***** produce him as a witness in a court of law. Lock him up and forget about him Mally, Scarboroug­h could not AGREE MORE with Neil Edwards comments on Venables. If we DON’T send out the right message to the likes of Venables we as a human society WILL IMPLODE. ANON our new defence secretary gavin williamson VOWED to hunt down AND KILL any Brit ISIS murderers. WELL GAVIN time to earn ur money. jails no gud. If u cant fulfil gavin we know PLENTY WHO CAN! Jimmy wigan Now the murdering scum known as “The Beatles” have been captured, the tug or war will start regarding extraditio­n between the US and the UK. Let the yanks deal with them we all know what our pathetic penal system is like. bobd140 The two terrorists part of the Beatles death squad deserve the fate their victims got. One thing is for sure we don’t want the scum back here. Our justice system is too soft. Hang them and forget them. Phalanx Chris@Newbridge I agree – bring back rope and send these murders to hell. I would take the job, hang 4 then go for breakfast and 4 before dinner. USA have the right Idea – treat animals like animals. Stockton jeff The do-gooders will want beheading scum Kotey and Elsheikh captured, jailed, but both should face a firing squad, let USA put them in Guantanamo for rest of their life. The pair have been stripped of british passports and citizenshi­p, so we are not bothered. JS I agree with Chris Newbridge, bringing back the rope is long overdue! Alby Boris Johnson can’t find his hairbrush, let alone a solution to Rohingya refugee crisis. UK should be funding a ‘safe & dignified’ way for our ex-servicemen to return to civilian life instead of leaving them to perish on rat-infested streets. Den, Perth If brussels & the french try 2 prevent us from having access 2 euro market after brexit lets declare war on germany & watch em s **t themselves. SUNDANCE why dont May and her shower of cronies get a backbone from somewhere and tell Juncker and co that Britain’s coming out and youre getting nowt ! B.P. The tories did not want the NHS in 1948, and it is clear that they still don’t want it in 2018. Their aim is privatisat­ion. Derek. Birmingham just vacated me fav hospital. (city hosp.) staff thr so courteous, kind and helpful. Mr J Hunt – you should just spend 24hrs there and see for yourself wot they have to do. maybe then u might think twice about destroying it. Swamp Duck Asking all texters to stand up for Bryan Boom 77 year old lollipop man who quit his job in Stockport because of a few snowflake parents who must have their minds in the gutter don’t like him giving their kids a high five. Fisherman S/Yorkshire 2 all the snowflakes and loony lefties. I live in the real world, I say wot I want and I think wot I want, and u can call me wot u want. Tasty Tone England new world cup strip a massive rip-off for fans at £110. You can get a suit, shirt and shoes from Matalan for less than that. Come on Nike, you are pricing yourselves out of the market. It already costs enough to watch these overpaid prima donnas. Footy fan, Scarboro Celeb or no celeb, why shouldn’t Ches from Corrie be ID’d if he looks young? My son is 24 and is frequently asked for his ID. The law is the law. JS. Manchester Re Veronica 89. No, you are not the oldest DSTAR texter. I’m a 100. SCOUSE TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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