Daily Star

£7k found in rubbish

- By MARK LISTER news@dailystar.co.uk

SKIP hire workers are hoping to keep £7,000 they found ripped up.

One of them uncovered a black bag filled with £20 notes at their site last month.

And after nobody could prove the money was theirs, police handed it back to the business.

Now they hope to have the cash replaced after sending off all the notes’ serial numbers to the Bank of ® England. Quicker Skips boss Mark Hanson said: “We are hopeful they can give us the money.

“Anything we get is a bonus as we did not expect to find anything in the first place.

“The notes were not in a great condition with some of them motheaten and cut in half. Also, a lot of them were wet. “We will hopefully be able to split some of the money among the workers and also give some to charity.

“We already do quite a lot of things for the local community.”

Mark revealed that some people had come forward trying to claim the cash.

He said: “We had a few phone calls but they were lying. One person in particular rang to say they had lost £2,000.

“But the skip was not even sent to them on the day that we found it, so it was obviously not her.

“We tried to investigat­e who could have owned the cash but during Christmas we have got a lot of skips going in and out.”

Mark, who runs the skip company based in Burnley, added: “We are now running a blog advising people what to do if they are clearing a property.”

 ??  ?? WINDFALL: Boss Mark Hanson hopes for cash bonus
WINDFALL: Boss Mark Hanson hopes for cash bonus
 ??  ?? QUIDS IN: Cash discovered in a skip
QUIDS IN: Cash discovered in a skip

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