Daily Star

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Why would anyone bother supporting Oxfam any more. The money donated is supposed to help the less fortunate in the world not provide aid workers with pocket money for hookers. Also, where does the £31 million the government gave them last year go to. It is supposed to be a voluntary aid business. All the shop staff give their time freely but I bet all the bigwigs are on over £100,000 a year pay. Disgusting. Mally. Scarboroug­h OXFAM: at it’s inception 50 odd years ago, a marvel of the day! Now, almost every penny, allegedly, is devoured in administra­tion and expenses. Nowadays the bosses do not live in bedsits and ride rusty pushbikes. Trevull why do people think foreign aid is to help the poor its the govs way of paying to protect trade agreements. willybill The trucker refused a job for being British: 5yrs ago my friends daughter who was a Personnel Officer at a Salford Firm claims to have received a Government Edict that under no circumstan­ces must she employ local people as they cud justify giving Brits Benefits but not giving them to Immigrants. Justice The email Michael Fowler received from Blu Global telling him the driving job he wanted to apply for was open but that Brit candidates were excluded was obviously sent to him by a disgruntle­d employee of the company who has since been sacked. Needless to say this unfortunat­e incident is now being used to stir up yet more xenophobic hysteria. What a sad country Britain has become. Seabird Another massacre of the innocents in the USA, tighter gun control should be a basic law of any civilised society. The USA is awash with millions of legal and illegal guns and an industry eager to supply them. Weapons destroy peoples lives look at what the UK arms industry has done to countries around the world how many innocent lives lost for profit. Red fred god forbid if that was one ov trumps children that was shot all hell would break out then people buying guns would be stopped. madge trump should put on a gun ban unless its the police or security let people use stun guns or peper spray for protection. alexs So Schools Minister Nick Gibb refused to answer a simple mental arithmetic question live on air for fear of being ridiculed. Surely this was the point of the excersise after his own expectatio­ns of 8yr olds to recite the 12 times table on command. The man is a total embarrassm­ent and should resign from his Government position. Quinny, Middleton politician­s are like nappies they need changing often for the same reasons. pete york 16 years old is too young to vote. Children will be voting for parties most likely to legalise drugs and increasing the speeding limit to 100 mph on all roads, and things like that. CHARLTON GARRY prisoners at walton prison should stop wingeing and whineing, if they cant do the time and take the conditions then dont do the crime. neil edwards.widnes this might sound a bit radical take the nice cosy police cars off the roads and put the police back on the beat where they belong. big imp the lawyers who are fleecing the NHS at the expense of patients should be named and shamed. concerned my daughter’s friends are saving around £1600 on their holiday simply by flying from Edinburgh rather than our local airport, Newcastle. Sick of people being ripped off by travel companies. gts i smoke, so when people come round to my place who don’t smoke, i make them go outside in the cold while i enjoy a smoke. ian Eve Muirhead (curling) is gorgeous. The Edge what’s the point of watching ice hockey when you can’t see the bloody puck! dusty haverhill Bloke spends 3 days trapped down a sewer. What did he eat and drink in that time? So who’s gonna give him the kiss of life? AL The new BBC weather map is a load of tosh! Our Island is tiny & the place names are so large u carn’t see a wretched thing, another b###s up. Yorks O.A.P. To hell with the food mafia. Everything in moderation I say. Who wants to live to 100 sucking on minging mung beans. Den, Perth U kno u gettn old,when u think Fifty Shades of Grey is a hair colourant! i.k You know ur getting old when u txt “U know ur getting old” gags. Elder Lee I was in the and the supermarke­t the woman on “do you checkout said with your want help I said “no I packing?” till the am not going end of march”. ross in emmerdale is the victim of an acid attack. Give it 6 months + his face will look almost normal again. It only happens in soapland. Heather j Regarding Gemma Collins on “Celebs” Go Dating & her being too picky about her dates, has she never heard of the saying: beggars can’t be choosers?! ISLA WIGHT WHO the **** does Gemma Collins thinks she is. She’s not a diva as she’s not star quality, just a person who appears on reality show. Thin Lizzy no doubt Lisa Armstrong will become a “strong, independen­t woman” on her husband’s money. The Bear, south london I thought all my prayers had been answered when I caught a glimpse of the headlines in Thursday’s D STAR (Ant and Dec in quit shock). Then my wife told me that it did not refer to the 2 most untalented people in the country. What a disappoint­ment. Still hope springs eternal. Tommy Gateshead Little Feat were the best rock band in the 70’s. Lowell George was superb. It took longer to get into Dr John but the late 70’s stuff was excellent! SOUTHERN MAN £30 million to repair botched foreign cosmetic operations? stop it now! if they got money for the op. then they can pay when they go wrong. rhondda boy TROUBLE getting hold of your Daily Star? Let us know where and when by text, using the details at the top of the page.

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