Daily Star


KIM’S PLEDGE PM upbeat for whirlwind UK tour

- By ANTONY THROWER by ALEXANDER BROWN alex.brown@dailystar.co.uk

THERESA May is to mark one year until Brexit today by embarking on a 24-hour tour across the UK.

The Prime Minister is determined to promise a bright future away from the EU.

And she will call on Remainers to finally join Brexiteers to ensure Britain booms.

Speaking ahead of today’s tour of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England, the bouyant PM said the closeness of the British Union will make Brexit a roaring success.

The UK is to walk away from the EU at 11pm on March 29 next year. Starting this morning, Mrs May will visit textile workers in Ayrshire before heading to Newcastle upon Tyne to meet parent and toddler groups.

She will lunch with farmers near Belfast and then host a roundtable near Barry with Welsh businesses.


She will finish in London by enjoying a cuppa with Polish citizens who live in the UK. She said: “I am determined that as we leave the EU, and in the years ahead, we will strengthen the bonds that unite us, because ours is the world’s most successful union.

“The UK contains four proud and historic nations, but together we amount to so much more than the sum of our parts and our Union is an enormous force for good.”

Mrs May added: “I am determined that our future will be a bright one.

“It’s a future in which we trade freely with friends and partners across Europe and beyond.”

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 ??  ?? OPTIMISTIC: Mrs May

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