Daily Star

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Songs Of Praise Pretty Woman Gun, ¬ Grease, Top Terminator 2. Jurassic Park.

The chaos returns on ITV next month.

MATT LeBlanc is known as the dumb Joey Tribbiani in Friends and also as the family-friendly petrolhead presenter of Top Gear.

But tomorrow he will shock fans with an X-rated sex stunt.

In his sitcom – where he plays himself – he will be seen performing a lewd act.

On the programme, he works as a game show host fronting The Box.

And viewers will see him go into the studio after hours where a scantily-clad female contestant is lurking inside one of the glass cubes and starts to come on to him.

Since they are unable to have sex as she is locked in the box, Matt simulates performing a sex act on her before he then pleasures himself.

The scenes will no doubt stun his fans but Matt didn’t bat an eyelid.

He said: “On this show nothing shocks me! There was one joke we needed to adjust that I was uncomforta­ble with but I’ve pitched stuff to them which they’ve said: ‘No, that’s disgusting. We’re not doing that’.

“And I’m like: ‘That’s worse than what you wrote?’ and they said: ‘Much, much worse!’ So no, it hasn’t really been an issue!” Philadelph­us Virginal, also known as the Fragrant Mock Orange, produces large scented double white flowers during the summer months. The orange blossom fragrance can be detected some distance away on a warm summers evening. This fully hardy, vigorous shrub has a height and spread of up to 2m. The Mock Orange is easy to grow and should be planted in full sun or partial shade. 40cm plants supplied. Delivery within 14 days. You can buy one Mock orange for £9.99 or order four for just £15.98 - Half Price.

¬ÊEpisodes is back tomorrow on BBC Two at 10pm.

 ??  ?? BRITISH man-band Blake will be on BBC’s on Sunday, April 22, performing tracks off their LP The Anniversar­y.
BRITISH man-band Blake will be on BBC’s on Sunday, April 22, performing tracks off their LP The Anniversar­y.
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