Daily Star

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Stop shopping online people. your causing hundreds of high street stores to close and thousands of jobs to be lost. ANNE FIELD


House of Fraser to close 31 stores, 6,000 jobs to go, poundworld possibly 5,000 jobs to go as well. Is online shopping to blame? Erm! Rich Yorks


Anon: great idea for 15 new hospitals, but now add loads of managers, medical staff plus other req’ staff, where’s the cash coming from? simpler idea sack 75% of management, so more for medical staff and beds = NHS more efficient. Bigman


No! let’s not cough up more tax to give to NHS because it won’t go there. just like road tax doesn’t go on our roads. It’s another con. PIP


Teachers and support staff are subjected to daily abuse from young yobs and they’re not even allowed to shout at the poor dears! Discipline is a thing of the past. Ignorant thugs now rule our streets, they laugh at the law and justice system and have no respect for anybody or anything! Prisoners are treated better than pensioners in this country. pall, Hull


Re Grenfell: The Metropolit­an Police have little respect in the capital. If they decide to prosecute brave firefighte­rs of the London Fire Brigade they will lose even more respect. Big Jock, Devon


Just read an article stating that 250 police are working on the Skripal poisonings. Is it any wonder we have so few police on the streets, when they are wasting time on a crime for which no one will ever be charged.

Gary, Oldham


Why is there so much animosity between the England and Russian football supporters? Has the word ‘game’ just been lost in translatio­n?

alphaone Selby


isnt it about time all of the surviving members of the world cup winning team of 1966 who have not got knighthood­s be knighted? so many of those who get them now are far less deserving. ian f, suffolk


Boney M’s Rasputin, England’s world cup song? Should be Talking Heads’ “Road to Nowhere”. Steve Rhyl


Politician­s! Stop sending aid to countries that don’t need it: China, India, and spend it on our Police Forces before we become the crime capital of the world. Scot Landyard


when the hell is this country going to get a proper government to run this country and put english people first. billions into railways not needed, billions into runways not needed, billions to other countries not needed. nhs, police, potholes, military all require more money! Buchy


So May and Davis have claimed VICTORY by keeping us Brexiteers in one aspect of the EU, the customs union, for only FIVE YEARS after we voted out. How thick do they think we are?



It’s OK to say Tories have cut back on police to produce near anarchy, but then what would Labour have done? Import more criminals.



If UK doesn’t get a grip on violent crime, it’ll be us law-abiding Brits seeking asylum. Den, Perth


MOPED CRIMES have increased by 50% in London. 50% of Police Stations have closed in the last three years. Obviously, there is a link here. Clearly, security needs a physical presence to show criminals that we mean business. Ed chat


The least we should be worrying about is cannabis use. NHS, education, law, trains, banking, immigratio­n, brexit, etc. A right bloody mess. AL


i wish people that smoke weed would not use public transport. they stink the place out and give me headache. paul lowe


THANK YOU to all the ambulance staff for the job that you do. I appreciate what you did for me. May God bless you and protect you!



one in four frogs is a leapfrog. TATS


Get the gorgeous babe playing Mindy in Jane’s Photo Casebook on Page Three pronto plz! Paul from Blackburn


I love slasher movies, but just watched The Landfill Site Murders. Wish I hadn’t. Biggest load of rubbish ever. Steve from Sheringham.


My mate asked me to sing a line from “don’t go breaking my heart”. I couldn’t if i tried! PUBLUNCH


I told my psychiatri­st that everyone hates me. He said I was being ridiculous. everyone hadn’t met me yet.



What is big, green and sits crying in the corner. The Incredible Sulk.

Old joker, Bolton


Ever tried blindfold archery? You don’t know what you’re missing.

A Bowman tony cleaner, the window worksop

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