Daily Star

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MY neighbour offers “fun experience­s” to paying guys.

She’s a lovely girl who is completely open about her work, which she views as a vital public service.

She boasts that she helps men who can’t get sex any other way.

She’s broad-minded and accommodat­ing and isn’t the slightest bit embarrasse­d about her range of offerings.

The thing is, I’m paranoid that my man might feel tempted to pop in there.

His eyes lit up like fireworks when I first told him all about her.

He has cheated on me several times over the years, but we’re in a good place right now.

He promises me he won’t let me down again, but can I trust him? I don’t like to seem jealous or to question him.

JANE SAYS: Every relationsh­ip has to rely on an element of trust.

You and he may have had your problems in the past, but from what you say he hasn’t actually done anything to justify your fears.

And, you have to admit, that was a rather juicy bit of gossip you fed him about your racy neighbour.

Talk to him as soon as you can and make him promise he will never go near her without you. Make it clear you expect him to respect your wishes and stay loyal and true to you.

If you start accusing him, you may cause a rift and ultimately push him either into her arms or away.

Sadly, if he does ever let you down again, you may have to conclude you and he were never destined to go the distance.

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