Daily Star


..of scoring at Wembley and pulling model

- by RUTH McKEE ruth.mckee@dailystar.co.uk

DADS secretly dream of scoring the winning goal at Wembley, dating a supermodel and partying on a super yacht.

A third of the nation’s fathers fantasise about speeding around a racetrack in a Formula One car like Lewis Hamilton, while 10% want to headline Glastonbur­y.

But some dads have saucier ideas, with 10% claiming they would love to make their own sex tape, which also featured in the survey.

The poll found that in between bouts of drudgery, dads spend three hours a week dreaming of living a cooler life.

But some sensible souls admitted their wildest ambition is to one day own their own company.

A third of sleep-deprived dads moaned their babies are holding them back from their dreams of playing for England and recording a hit single. But not all men want to shrug off dad life, which saw dating a supermodel at No27 in the poll.

But topping the men’s lists is taking their partners on a once-in-a-lifetime holiday.

Timothy Love, from Pizza Express who carried out the research, said: “While our survey shows most dads tell their family about their dreams, we wanted to give children the chance to find out what unexpected things their dads have got up to.” TOP 15 DAD DREAMS:

1. Take partner on the trip of a lifetime 2. Drive across America on Route 66 3.

Walk along the Great Wall of China 4. Drive an F1 car 5.

Get tickets to the World Cup final 6. Learn to fly a plane

7. Take the whole family to Disney 8. Travel into space

9. Fly a helicopter 10. Be an extra in a film 11. Walk across the Golden Gate Bridge 12. Score a goal at Wembley 13. Learn a foreign language 14. Scuba dive off the Great Barrier Reef 15. Own your own firm

 ??  ?? LUCKY dad Peter Crouch has done all the things most men polled ahead of Father’s Day put on their bucket lists. He has a model wife, Abbey Clancy, who he is pictured with on a trip to Barbados, and dream job as a footballer.
LUCKY dad Peter Crouch has done all the things most men polled ahead of Father’s Day put on their bucket lists. He has a model wife, Abbey Clancy, who he is pictured with on a trip to Barbados, and dream job as a footballer.
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RACING CERT: Dads aspire to be like F1 champion Lewis Hamilton
RACING CERT: Dads aspire to be like F1 champion Lewis Hamilton

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