Daily Star


So Rolls Royce is to axe more than

4,000 jobs from its British operation. What a shame for a company which has been building world-famous engines for more than 100 years, has a global reputation for quality and represents everything good about once-great British manufactur­ing. So what can we expect this shambles of a Government to do to help this ailing gem? Precisely nothing. Dave T Worcs

The news from derby on rolls royce is shattering in many ways to say the very least but look on the bright side. The workload of the banks, mortgage brokers and estate agents will increase tenfold reclaiming all those bank loans, mortgages and keys to the front doors of homes of many folk. It wont be too bad tho as we have a caring government who will no doubt institute a fast track scheme to build huge amounts of council houses. robtin

Thug who smashed bottle into a man’s face, got a 5 year jail term. Sentence by judge a joke. Shud hav got

15 years as a deterrent. angst

Today marks the end of the month of Ramadan. So I would like to wish a Happy Eid Day to everyone. Farouk Crosshill

Lincolnshi­re 10yrs ago, amid massive protests, fracking was inflicted, followed by an earthquake. They have just had another; are they still fracking about down there?


lf Mrs. May, G7 rant, truly believes Putin is the “Assassinat­or General” why the heck does she keep provoking him, bearing in mind that practise makes perfect? Bromull

Kim Jong Un made peace with south korea before he met Trump, signed anything and agreed to scrap nuclear program in his country.. Who is to say he wont do a crafty double cross and start it all again in south korea with no one opposing? OZZY, LONDON.

More wild animals threatened with extinction all becoz human activity. Man is the alien! Jimi Peters, diss norfolk

“Beat bobbies at breaking point” – I haven’t seen any for many years.


MP’s should hang their heads in shame, the Commons is like a school playground. Brexit is a serious debate for our country, and they treat it as some kind of joke! Speaking of jokes, Bercow should be sacked and as for SNP’s tantrum, go back to Scotland and do whatever you want there. We don’t want point scoring and jibes, we want Brexit results, get on with it like adults for god’s sake! Mooseman

After watching part of the politics wednesday 18th what a load of rubbish this government came out with. This country voted to leave the eu, there was nothing said but stay in the monetry fund. either get us out now or get the government out through a vote of no confidence. neal blackpool

There’s more people living in Greater London than in Scotland, yet the SNP boring parliament with their carry on. If we had an election in Scotland, the Nats would lose half their seats. Want to call one First Minister? Your silence will prove you’re as spineless as Salmond. Yogi Scotland.

What a bunch leader Blackford sent out of parliament and the other SNP group followed him never heard no surrender. L Hill

It took tiny greenland 2yrs to leave the EU it will take the uk far, far longer. stevie, m/well

It makes me laugh all these people going on about obesity and the government saying we need to be fitter and eat properly. And in the next breath government saying that people are living too long (suit yourself people)

Stockton jeff

So Peter Andre is to voice a car in the new Thomas The Tank Engine movie. Well he has been riding the gravy train since he relaunched his so called career off the back of marrying Katie Price.


When is this gov gonna sort this gig economy out a company rang to offer me a job i wos interestd rate of pay wos ok wen i told them i wos pay as you earn wernt interestd self employed only after payin stamp over 40 yrs. roll on retirement!! London tone

Britain’s best home cook pippa dipa and Philip go together like Wilson Kepple and betty if anyone remembers ha ha. nanny val

To Johnny Nocash: Afraid nearest I can get to Country and Western music is ZZ Top! CHARLTON GARRY

Premier League fixtures just been released! Woohoo, oh, hold on...


My friend dawn went to the seaside and bought some sugar free rock but it was full of laxatives it brought a new meaning to “rock the night away”

tony worksop

So heidi klum rekons everyone wants the spice girls to be back. No heidi. Just you. Swamp Duck

 ??  ?? ALWAYS BLEATING: Kerry Pic of Stella Maxwell in Wednesday’s Star apparently “oozing sex appeal”. Sorry, but she does nothing for me – give me Kelly Brook any day of the week. Cost 25p plus network rate. You will be charged even if your text is not...
ALWAYS BLEATING: Kerry Pic of Stella Maxwell in Wednesday’s Star apparently “oozing sex appeal”. Sorry, but she does nothing for me – give me Kelly Brook any day of the week. Cost 25p plus network rate. You will be charged even if your text is not...

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