Daily Star


AN old lover has started texting me again.

He simply expects to pick up where we left off. He assumes we’ll have sex again straight away.

He’s coming down in couple of weeks and hasn’t even mentioned dinners, trips out or “getting to know you again” drinks.

The other night he started talking dirty and I explained that I needed time.

With that he got quite shirty and accused me of becoming frigid. I got quite upset at this.

The thing is that I am lonely and would love a proper relationsh­ip again.

He broke my heart the last time he walked away and I haven’t met anyone as good-looking since.

If I’m honest, I’m desperate and as he’s the only one showing any interest in me right now.

Maybe I just have to accept that he’s the best I’m going to get?

JANE SAYS: I hate the idea of this ex-lover attempting to put pressure on you.

How dare he call you frigid when you haven’t clapped eyes on each other for ages.

I suggest you get back to him and assert yourself.

Make it clear that you may have history together but that doesn’t entitle him to any sexual fast track.

Tell him that you insist on taking things slowly.

Discuss romantic dates, long walks, intimate chats and a huge amount of wooing.

Make sure that you set the pace regarding sex and only make love when you feel relaxed and ready.

That said, I’m very concerned about picking up with an ex. Why did you break up in the first place?

Just be certain he’s not using you. He’s certainly not the only guy out there and you shouldn’t settle for second best just because your confidence has been knocked.

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