Daily Star



DO you ever get the feeling that politics in this country really is nothing more than a never ending Muppet show?

In true Sesame Street style last week’s instalment was bought to us by the letter “B”. As in Boris, burka, and berk.

This week we’ve moved on to the letter ‘C’. Which begins one of the most offensive words in the English language – Corbyn.

A man who has totally misunderst­ood the first law of holes, as in stop digging. Nope our Jezza is such an arrogant, self-obsessed tw*t (you can think I mean twit if you like) that he’s tunnelling his way to the centre of the earth at breakneck speed.

The basic story is that four years ago Corbyn visited the Tunisian cemetery where the Palestinia­n terrorists linked to the 1972 Munich Olympics massacre of Israeli athletes are buried.

There he took part in a service to honour the “martyrs”.

This was captured in photos clearly showing everyone’s favourite Catweazle lookalike holding a tribute wreath and offering up an Islamic prayer.

So far so what the hell was the idiot doing, right? Now, amid the anti-semitism storm engulfing the Labour Party, all of this has come back to bite him on his scrawny bum.

Any normal person would cough to the lot and admit they screwed up. But not Jezza. Nope. In a series of the most confused, convoluted and conniving explanatio­ns (told you it was C-word week) Corbyn attempted to wriggle out of it.

At first he wasn’t there. Then he was there, but at another grave. But he wasn’t anything to do with the floral tribute being laid on the terrorists memorial, honest. Despite the fact he was pictured holding it. Finally he came up with the hilarious: “A wreath was indeed laid by some of those who attended. I was present when it was laid… I don’t think I was actually involved.”

Right. Like I was actually present writing this column but I don’t think I was involved in it.

Isn’t this the sort of guff a little kid comes out with when you catch them doing something naughty?

This is a bit beyond naughty though. This is downright evil. If you’re not too sure what went on in Germany all those years ago take time to read up on it. It’s horrific. Eleven Israeli athletes and coaches were taken hostage by Palestinia­n terrorists. All the innocent sports team was killed. Some were barbarical­ly tortured. One champion weightlift­er was castrated before being shot.

The murderous thugs who did this are not people any right thinking member of our Parliament should be honouring.

Naturally the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu – a former commando who was himself shot taking on terrorists – has demanded an apology. Equally naturally Corbyn has made no apology whatsoever. So very BoJo.

A spokesman for Jezza – and isn’t that the job from hell? – said: “Mr Corbyn, of course, condemns that terrible attack.”

Yeah, he’s just not doing it very loudly is he? Instead he has a go back at Netanyahu challengin­g Israel’s treatment of Palestinia­ns.

Classic political diversion tactics. Don’t look at me, look over there, much nastier stuff going on.

Coming hot on the heels of Burkagate this is all terrifying. Is there anyone fit left to run the country?

This surely has to be the death knell for Jezza and hopefully he will receive a suitable wreath from someone who may, or may not, actually even be there.

Incredibly though the Cult of Corbyn is already muttering fake news, Photoshopp­ed pics and that there is a wicked plot afoot to oust him.

Jeez, you don’t need to plot that, he’s managing very well by himself. Look, he’s welcome to support Palestine, plenty of reasons to. But the lying? Hmmm.

Meanwhile in Comrade Corbyn’s London constituen­cy of Islington moped mugging and knife crime is going through the roof. Possibly if he spent less time sucking up to bloodthirs­ty scum on his global terror tour he could sort out a few problems closer to home?

Aah, but don’t worry folks. Back to Sesame Street. And next week it’s the letter “D”.

Sadly I think it’s going to stand for despair.

 ??  ?? DOUBTS: Jeremy Corbyn claims he paid respects to the victims of a 1985 Israeli airstrike in Tunisia in 2014
DOUBTS: Jeremy Corbyn claims he paid respects to the victims of a 1985 Israeli airstrike in Tunisia in 2014
 ??  ?? SHOT: Israeli PM Netanyahu
SHOT: Israeli PM Netanyahu

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