Daily Star

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I’VE been with my new girlfriend for four months but we haven’t had sex.

I’ve not seen her naked and she’s not allowed me to touch her in any kind of intimate way.

She says she’ll tell me when she’s ready to take the next step. The only problem is that I’m a highly sexed bloke and feel as though I’m going ever so slightly out of my mind.

My ex-girlfriend and I made love every day for three years before she accepted a job in America.

I do like and respect my new girl very much, but I’m not sure that I understand where she’s coming from.

My mate went out with her for six months and insists their sex life was red hot.

So what’s changed? What’s wrong with me?

Meanwhile, another girl who has always fancied me is back in town and offering me no-strings sex. What should I do next? JANE SAYS: I wonder if your girlfriend has been let down or ill-used in recent times?

Would it be worth speaking to her to find out what she fears and what she’s feeling?

I strongly suspect that something may have occurred in her life to make her feel cautious and wary.

Of course she is fully entitled to say no to sex for as long as she wants.

Four months is actually a short amount of time and her body is her private business.

You have to take your mate’s boasts about them having a hot sex life with a pinch of salt, because people lie and boast all the time to make themselves look more important.

Ultimately, which girl do you like the best? You can’t sleep with the girl who has fancied you for ages behind your girlfriend’s back and expect to get away with it.

That certainly would not be respectful or fair.

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