Daily Star




One in six of us took a weekend staycation this summer as it’s revealed getting away to the coast boosts happy endorphins by 78%.

There’s also been a rise in sales of SUVs as more Brits plan road trips instead of taking costly and stressful flights.

Cornwall, Scotland and the Lake District are said to be the trips that made us happiest.

New research by Kia Motors (UK) – famed for their seven-year warranty – also found the majority of Brit holidaymak­ers admit they chose their


FLAGGING LIBIDO: Studies show that sex is good for you, but a new poll for Lady Prelox found that 24% of women report that they have low libido.

And a quarter said that their partners also suffer from a low sex drive. SNOOZE NEWS: Too much kip could kill you getaway destinatio­n based on the quality of pictures they could take for social media.

In terms of city breaks, Edinburgh, Manchester and York were preferred to Lisbon and Berlin. BANK RUN: Sign up for a challenge and help beat cancer into the bargain – for less. You can get £5 off entry into Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life over the bank holiday weekend (August 24-27) for all 2018 events. The voucher code is: BH18RACE. See raceforlif­e. cancerrese­archuk.org. according to new research.

A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Associatio­n showed that those who typically slept for 10 hours were 30% more likely to die prematurel­y than those who got the recommende­d eight hours shut-eye a night.

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