Daily Star




Hey don’t scream at Johannes Radebe’s remarks about Blackpool being a squatter camp – if voting is fully above board all you have to do is VOTE him off, job done. Jackie Liverpool


I have never done it before because I am a X Factor fanatic but it was so boring I switch off. If u r losing me then the show is a goner. Positive t


why do telly chefs refer to stuff as being pan fried? Is there any other way of frying? Not that I’ve ever seen.

Snelgrave, glaschu


Don’t emmerdale script writers know anything about hygiene – the amount of people just walking into pub kitchen never have an hat on like marlon or Victoria. Soap watcher


eastenders is becoming a right stomach churner with the prison scenes – sick to back teeth of violence. They won’t get one award at soap awards. no name


I can’t believe that ANNA P text in stating that tv critics shouldn’t write about reality Shows if they don’t like them. It happens to be their job. But I’m guessing that you’re a stereotypi­cal reality show viewer and cannot comprehend that? LEO F


Why the f@@@ are we makin theses people from Love Island celebritys. Famous 4 doing wot? Julie

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