Daily Star


Now uni bans CLAPPING for causing stress

- by RUTH McKEE Full story: Page 4

SNOWFLAKES at a university have banned clapping in a bid to help students feel less anxious.

Bosses passed the ruling to prevent “stress” caused by the sound of applause – and urged people to wave their hands instead.

SNOWFLAKE students have banned clapping to be more “inclusive” and reduce stress.

Student leaders want people to do “jazz hands” – waving their hands – instead of whooping, clapping and cheering.

The move is part of a push to make life easier at the University of Manchester’s Student Union for anyone who might be alarmed by sudden loud noises.

The university’s student newspaper, The Mancunion, said: “It was argued that the loud noise of traditiona­l clapping poses an issue to students with anxiety or sensory issues.”

It added: “British Sign Language clapping – or jazz hands – would be a more inclusive form of expression.”

The National Union of Students last year asked delegates not to clap to allow deaf people to feel more included in their conference.

An NUS spokesman said: “The hand gesture is the sign in the British Sign Language for applause. It means more people can participat­e in our conference.”

One Manchester student said the ban would put people off wanting to perform or speak.

She said: “When performing on stage the reaction from the crowd is everything. If clapping is banned it will ruin the atmosphere at events.”

Another person fumed: “Clapping does not cause anxiety. Bl**dy snowflakes!”

The Star Says: Page 6

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