Daily Star


‘We’ll thrive after Brexit’

- ® by ALEXANDER BROWN alex.brown@dailystar.co.uk

THERESA May will today vow to forge a patriotic and successful Britain that gets even stronger after Brexit.

In her keynote speech to the Conservati­ve conference, the PM will insist the country has “everything we need to succeed” after leaving the EU. Mrs May will promise to stamp out the far right, and be a party of “patriotism but not nationalis­m”. She will say: “I passionate­ly believe that our best days lie ahead of us and that our future is full of promise.

“Don’t let anyone tell you we don’t have what it takes – we have everything we need to succeed.”

The PM will issue a call to arms to her party colleagues, and insist they get behind her in the “national interest” to put hard-working people first. One year on from her disastrous address during which she suffered a coughing fit, Mrs May will stress her credential­s and promise to see off Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour.

She will say: “Millions who never supported our party in the past are appalled by what Jeremy Corbyn has done to Labour. They want to support a party that is decent, moderate and patriotic. One that puts the national interest first.”

The under-fire PM will pledge to root out intoleranc­e, and make a party “comfortabl­e with modern Britain in all its diversity”.

She will also promise to support business, and give everyone the opportunit­y to succeed.

Mrs May will add: “A party not for the few, not even for the many, but for everyone who is willing to work hard and do their best.”

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