Daily Star


Lover spat at after ‘leaving pet home alone’

- By JERRY LAWTON jerry.lawton@dailystar.co.uk

A MAN wept as he was jailed for spitting in his lover’s face after she left his pooch home alone.

Sophie Redshaw had told Kyle Samuels she would look after his pet but flew to party isle Ibiza instead, a court was told.

Samuels, 29, found out from pals the animal had been abandoned and headed to Manchester Airport to confront her upon her return.

As she walked through the arrivals hall with her luggage, he marched up to her and spat in her face.

He fled and was caught by police in an airport car park. Samuels broke down as he was jailed for 16 weeks at Manchester Magistrate­s’ Court after admitting assault by beating.

Jon Mail, defending, said Samuels accepted what he did was extremely unpleasant but was a reaction to discoverin­g his dog had been abandoned.

The lawyer said: “He was contacted by mutual friends and told that his dog was left alone. The complainan­t had told him that she wasn’t abroad, she was in Salford. “This was an angry reaction on his behalf that the dog had been left alone and he totally accepts that this was wrong of him.” Samuels, left, said the relationsh­ip was now over and he had offered to let his ex keep the dog. In a statement read out in court, Ms Redshaw said: “I want him out of my life. He makes it a misery. I am always scared at what he is going to do.”

District Judge James Hatton said there were “sinister undertones” to Samuels’ behaviour.

He said: “This is so serious prison is the only option.”

The judge imposed an indefinite restrainin­g order banning Samuels, from Sale, near Manchester, from contacting his ex.

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