Daily Star

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The reason kids are obese is they eat the wrong foods. They live off junk food. They think there’s only takeaways to go to. This country is getting like America every day. mal the claret


Is Steve Miller a moron? the country’s screaming out for foster care candidates. where does he think all the children he would take away would go. Rich


Common sense tinged notice to ALL bakers and sandwich outlets. please, STOP USING SESAME SEEDS! the world has survived for 100s of years without ‘em and long may it do so, thank you. Trevull


Cud any educated DS txtr explain 2 me how our nhs and police services have cut back their budgets yet we can send aid abroad. Wur duz it come frm?

bolton bird


Message for corbyn lovers. corbyn is a politician and politician­s TELL LIES. D Man


Geoff totally agree with you: spend the money here on NHS and homeless. is Maddie the only missing child.

Cov gooner


it seems to me brexit is down to a decision over Northern Ireland border. if we vote on letting NI staying in EU we can have a Canada deal. if no, we have to stay in the single market and custom unions. simple as that.



As Brexit begins to fall apart Theresa May is beginning to backtrack faster than Lewis Hamilton in reverse. It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that the Brexit ‘deal’ May is finally forced to accept will leave the UK more tightly bound to the EU than we were to begin with. I suspect this was the plan all along. Johnny Roberts


re GRAFTER on EU workers: only reason firms take on EU migrants is cos they get rate deductions for every foreign worker hired. Steve, hull


Another election will not make Brexit any more deliverabl­e. 40 years of EU integratio­n CANNOT be undone even if the Irish border wasn’t the problem that it is. Johnny


So May wants to cut corporatio­n tax even further, all she cares about is big business making a profit stuff the people. THE PLEB


Why do we want to increase our fishing quotas. at present we export 70% of fish landed and 90% of shellfish. we should be decreasing our quotas.

Tam Anster °

The tories would sell the north sea if they win the next election, nothing is unsellable for them, even the royals. WURZEL


One TV interviewe­r I cannot do with is Robert Peston. he never gives people time to answer his questions before shouting them down. the man needs educating on how to talk to people properly. Stockton jeff


Are people really so taken in by the royals and the rich elite? These are people “stealing” all of your wealth and laughing. THE PLEB


so lewis hamilton won the russian grand prix after bottas was told to let him pass. if that is not a false result i will eat my hat. alan maryport


Motor racing: I hope they don’t bet on this as that disgracefu­l act on Sunday letting Hamilton win should be investigat­ed. tubby 2


A legend like Lewis Hamilton does not need or want team orders so he can win races. Should be banned and races won by best driver. Bazza


cheryl looks stunning in her boots. thank u. But where can i get a pair?



cheryl looked stunning in star other day. just got to get nice man now. tony


Oh dear snowflakes and p.c. brigade. i’m in a pickle. been invited to fancy dress party as favourite pop star. My fave is Stevie Wonder and i’m a white male. Guess i cant go!



If a little blue dolphin went 4 a tattoo, wud he ask 4 the pic of a fat council estate bird on small of his back? jacko


my pub is that rough the dartboard has a bullseye patch.

Des the describer


i got the sack from my job as a theatre designer. i left without making a scene. tony worksop


I used to be a bus driver but I gave it up after a couple of weeks. I was fed up of people talking behind my back! Grant Hately


knock knock. who’s there. wendy. wendy who? wendy red red robin comes bob bob bobbing along! big dave osborne prince the dog and family enfield


I’ve always liked a drink, but I don’t drink much now. I’m 89 and spill most of it. CASEYWB


Being sober in October has gone fine so far... PUBLUNCH


ive got a new job making chess pieces. i’m starting on knights.

davo enfield pete the blade

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