Daily Star

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Dear Mrs May, you can’t dance and you are not a good comedian, and if you think a cheap fuel duty freeze will bribe us into voting for you, you are very much deluded. Mooseman


mrs. may minister for silly walks, you looked like a right t*t, do not make britain a laughing stock or yourself. lawman


So May is going to look after the hard working people of this country AGAIN. I remember when she first became PM she said she was going to help the “jams”, she hasn’t, and when we get the budget shortly she will hit our pockets again! Mm


According to Theresa May austerity is over and people are spending again. Oh and to her food banks and poverty never existed. Theresa, no one should trust you ever. Wise Ged


May attacking Corbyn for anti semitism and racism, quickly forgetting Windrush and her racist policies, pledging austerity is over for a second time, more money for cancer treatment forgetting her gov cut vital funds probably condemning many patients to a slow and painful death, money for housing forgetting her policies led to an increase in the numbers of rough sleepers, cuts in taxes for the rich. Red fred


All may can do is smile and dance us down the road to oblivion. se9 steve


has mayday taken dance lessons? From her stilted attempt in Africa she showed a bit of rhythm to Dancing Queen at the tory conference. Come march 19 she’ll b confident enuf to jive us out of EU instead of a plodding slow waltz. Fright Fever comes to mind! Lily the pink


I wish some kindly soul would have a word in Theresa May’s shell like and tell her that her dancing is embarrassi­ng and cringe worthy. LEO F


Tory austerity is NOT over there is £12bn of cuts to come. THE PLEB


Theresa May dancing on to the stage at the annual Tory love in but are the media trying to bury the bad news – Tweedy and Little Mix are bringing out new albums and Westlife are reforming. Think I’d rather have them dancing. gts


what a complete prat may is dancing on stage – rumour is peter crouch was her instructor and who on earth is her fashion advisor? big imp


Theresa May to scrap 2p a litre rise in fuel duty: the price of a gallon has soared, greedy forecourts quick to raise price, ages to lower, needs regulation. Paul h Scunthorpe


i dont know how these tory mps can sleep at night the way they treat poor and disabled. jay


it shoes how divided the world is in when someone can pay eight hundred thousand plus for a bottle ov whisky, disgusting when people are starving.

kerry s


shows how f **** d up society is when a bottle of whisky that’s not even gonna be supped sells for £850k. That money would have been better spent on kids with life threatenin­g illnesses. Disgusting. Hope whoever bought it drops it on a tiled floor! kk


went 2 a ruff pub last night. I won

1st prize in the raffle – an alibi! big dave osborne


mi mate jed sez aint seen ya for 6 month wot ya been doin? I sed 6 months. pete the blade


I surveyed 20 people leaving the pub last night... the results were staggering! TATS


My father and I were leaving our hotel room in Iraq and he forgot his suitcase. I said “Don’t forget your baghdad”. Jade


Mags asked me “how long is it safe to keep a chicken in the freezer” I said it should be OK for up to 3 months, she wasn’t happy when she opened the freezer to find it dead! Mags other half


I saw 2 guys in matching outfits, asked if they were gay? They arrested me. Anon


my grief counsellor died, luckily he was good at his job I really didn’t care. tony the window cleaner


What’s a pirate’s average grade? Somewhere in the high C’s. Jack Thrush


My neighbours have just had a baby girl and they said they wanted to call her something original. So I suggested Werthers. bolton bird


my mate has been married 40yrs and only had 2 arguments 1 for

15yrs and the other one for 24yrs. tony worksop


They’ve run out of titles for any future Harry Potter films. The next one will be called Harry Potter and the Howsyerfat­her of the Wosname. Steve. London


HELP. Can any of you texters put me out of my misery and tell me who sings the brilliant easy jet advert song please. Calstock kid

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