Daily Star



8I@<J DXiZ_ )( kf 8gi`c )'

IF you’re going to buy something expensive, choose an item or brand that served you well in the past. The latest model is rife with flaws. The last thing you want is to end up with a lemon. Ignore your desire for the newest thing.


Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3801**

DXp )) kf Ale\ ))

TAKING better care of yourself is imperative. Instead of eating on the run, prepare a series of nutritious meals. This will stop you reaching for quick sugar to satisfy your appetite. Choose fresh produce, proteins and whole grains instead.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3803**

C<F Alcp )+ kf 8l^ljk )*

LET go of a domestic arrangemen­t that no longer works. This could mean ending a romance, relocating to another part of the world or telling an adult child to live on their own. Any transition­s you start now will make you feel calm and happy.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3805**


MIXING things up in your personal life is imperative. A loving relationsh­ip needs attention. Rather than returning to comfortabl­e routines, try something new. A different restaurant, vacation or sensual style will be enthusiast­ically received. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3802**

:8E:<I Ale\ )* kf Alcp )*

Don’t let a romantic obsession spiral. When you pour too much energy into one area of life, it’s hard to maintain your equilibriu­m. Find healthy distractio­ns such as sports, creative work and hobbies. Games like chess and backgammon are especially diverting. M@I>F

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3804**

8l^ljk )+ kf J\gk\dY\i )*

BEING more resourcefu­l with your time is strongly advised. Instead of getting drawn into gossip at work, focus on your duties. Keep the conversati­on light during breaks.You don’t want to get a reputation for wasting time or stirring up trouble. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3806**

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