Daily Star


Kremlin bid to foil Sergei probe

- by ALEXANDER BROWN alex.brown@dailystar.co.uk

FOUR Russian spies were caught targeting a chemical weapons watchdog investigat­ing the Salisbury Novichok attack.

Intelligen­ce chiefs yesterday revealed the Kremlin agents had tried to hack the Organisati­on for Chemical Weapons in The Hague, Netherland­s.

Aleksei Morenets, Evgenii Serebriako­v, Oleg Sotnikov, and Aleksey Minin all had diplomatic passports, and were sent home.

Their hire car contained a cyber hacking kit including a laptop, phones and a hidden wi-fi antenna.

The gang – members of Russia’s GRU intelligen­ce service – are believed to have been trying to disrupt the probe into the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and daughter Yulia.

It was one of a string of cyber operations carried out by the group in the weeks after the attack in March.

Among their other targets were the Ministry of Defence’s Porton Down lab, the Foreign Office, and the World Anti Doping Agency in Switzerlan­d.

PM Theresa May said the plot “demonstrat­es the GRU’s disregard for the global values and rules that keep us all safe”. Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt added Russia’s “continued efforts to flout internatio­nal law will be exposed and there will be consequenc­es”. Britain has warned Russia it could now face new sanctions.

WILL the march of the PC-mad brigade ever stop?

If they had their way many of our classic shows, including Only Fools And Horses, would be scrubbed from the history books.

Sue Holderness, who played Marlene in the sitcom, believes Del Boy would be imprisoned if it was filmed today.

His cheeky chappy mannerisms would be seen as predatory sexual behaviour under the snowflake microscope.

As she rightly protests, is there such a thing as banter in Britain any more?

Harmless flirting and tomfoolery isn’t sexual abuse. It is an insult to genuine victims to suggest otherwise.

Unfortunat­ely these “politicall­y correct” extremists can’t see that.

And unless they wake up and see sense, it’s unlikely their killjoy agenda will be reversed.

The real danger is not to well-loved classics like Only Fools And Horses.

But to the countless sitcoms that will now never see the light of day because they do not conform to their unwavering views.

The real victim in all of this is the public, who now miss out on hours of harmless entertainm­ent.

 ??  ?? ®ÊIN THE FRAME: Agents on CCTV at Amsterdam’s Schipol Airport
®ÊIN THE FRAME: Agents on CCTV at Amsterdam’s Schipol Airport

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