Daily Star

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So snowflakes say being called snowflakes makes them want to cry. maybe we should call them crybabies but that would be insulting babies. BABY FACE, LEEDS


Snowflakes don’t like being called snowflakes. How about uneducated clowns. It’s time National Service was brought back. Let these clowns see how dangerous the world is. And see how privileged it is for them to live in a free country. Phalanx


It is wrong calling these people snowflakes. We should ignore them and change nothing and call them what they are. ignorant, arrogant morons.

PR Leicester


all the students on a palaeontol­ogy course who complained about a dinosaur and what looked like a picture of testicles shud leave the course, go home, become bakers or work in a bank but forget studying any natural science if a picture of b ***** ks upsets you, you obviously haven’t got the balls for it.



Every motorway, town, city, village in the uk is having work done, delays a pain in the butt. please snowflakes moan and get it stopped. peed off driver paul


Heart goes out to everyone at Leicester

City. Terrible tragedy. In our thoughts. Stevie, London


My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone at Leicester City Football Club.



The budget today. I came into this world with nothing and I have still got most of it. I am not hopeful!



So the chancellor needs an extra

40billion to meet his plans up to

2020. Now where could we find 40 billion? Ah, I know, redirect the ludicrous foreign aid budget. Solved!



So thicko hammond wants £1.5bn to save high streets. i got a better idea put that money into welfare and wages and people will buy again. Not rocket science. WURZEL


invictus games an inspiratio­n. determinat­ion, never giving up. well done, god bless. b4 dave osborne. prince the dog and family enfield


Laughing my socks off at Brexiteers whining about the chaos now ensuing. You asked for this when you voted for the racist diatribe of the Leave campaign, so suck it up people! You chose this mess, so enjoy the consequenc­es! Basmaniac, Paisley °

I did not vote for what was on the side of a red bus I voted to get our borders, laws etc back. I knew exactly what I was voting for. SCOUSE


May pledges £4billion to fix potholes in India but only £420m (1/10th) to fix British ones. Obscene. Trevull


why do people well enough to function regularly and work get sick benefit while those with chronic conditions get rejected? denise


tories, it’s not too late to scrap universal credit benefit. this system is cruel & idiotic. scrap it now! Anon


If rich celebritie­s paid their taxes instead of avoiding it, I am sure the government would have plenty of cash for the NHS, Police, Fire Service, etc. Pete westmidlan­ds


Wish I could shop in town centre and local shopping malls without being pestered by sales reps wanting you to “change gas or electricit­y suppliers, sign up for charity lottos etc” at least you avoid that hassle with online shopping. Willo


So huntress Larysa Switlyk enjoys killing animals. How about letting loose a pack of hungry wolves to hunt the huntress. She could only have one shot to kill. Wot then Larysa?

Lotus Lil


To Big Ste Chor– ley: My favourite spangles were acid drop flavour! GARRY


Sonny: bet u remember ‘five boys’ choc bar. There was 5 faces with different expression­s on wrapper! wish it was still out. bean


Don’t know who had £1 to spend on Black Jacks n those days! Most folk only got half a crown pocket money. Annie


Men used to say: “Why marry the cow when the milk is free.” Ladies these days, “Why take home the whole pig when all you want is a bit of sausage?” FUNKY LEVEN


As i suspected, someone keeps adding soil to my allotment. The plot thickens. Y.Gardner


My mate asked me if I remembered the wild parties we went to in the

60s and 70s? Remember them? I’ve still got the Tupperware! LEO, LEEDS


we have a cycle lane here in feltham. it’s called the pavement. bob oap

81 feltham


Saw a bloke using sandpaper for blankets. I think he was a rough sleeper. Steve, London


i said to my local car dealer sunday. did you put all the clocks back last night? tony worksop

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