Daily Star

For goodness snakes... get us outta here


WE’VE had diversity, inclusiven­ess and group-hugs rammed down our throats like the Bushtucker Trial from PC hell.

And how’s that working then?

Are we now the happiest we’ve ever been living in the sunlit uplands of cuddles, community cohesivene­ss and plunging crime rates? Are we duck!

(Don’t you just hate that predictive text thing?)

I seriously cannot recall a time like this for such unadultera­ted hatred.

Not only are we all at each other’s throats more than ever we’re usually armed with a kitchen knife.


What the hell’s going on? The more ‘they’ tell us how to live virtuously alongside one another the more we spew venom and hatred.

Is it all the fault of Brexit? No matter what side you’re on or even if you still don’t know (hello Theresa) you’ve got to admit that vote two years ago caused havoc.

Even family members stopped talking to each other. But there has to be more to it than that. Maybe

the referendum was simply the pus bursting out of something that had been rotten for a long while.

The overbearin­g political correctnes­s of this millennial generation has a lot to answer for.

Telling the rest of us how to behave and what’s acceptable to say, think, wear and even what we can do with our plastic straws.

At some point an entire generation started to feel they didn’t have a voice and if they dared speak out about their confusion they were told they were stupid and irrelevant. Dangerous.

Now we have north v south, men v women, black

v white v brown, old v young, rich v poor, city v country and the rest of the world v us. What. A. Mess.

And everyone is just so damn angry all the time. If you even so much as slightly say the wrong thing people threaten to kill you.


Starting to feel a bit like a persecuted minority for just saying a cheery hello.

Is Nice-ism a thing yet? Could be the hot new hate crime, what do you think?

The latest thing this week was the Metropolit­an Police deciding they were going to be brave enough to do their jobs and tackle moped muggers by “gently” knocking them off their stolen scooters. Brilliant. These little scrotes are responsibl­e for acid attacks, knifings and terrorisin­g entire areas.

The crime rates dropped instantly. Which naturally meant the police were in the wrong and might hurt the little darlings who had their human rights, innit.

Then we had the scumbag rapist allowed to see the baby he fathered with his 15-year-old victim despite her horror and objections.

And so it goes on. Common sense out the window. Virtue signalling and inclusiven­ess in even if the person being “included” is a wrong ’un.

Everyone has their rights and they’re not ashamed to lecture us, and woe betide if you dare disagree with their view of the world. Sigh.

But cheer up folks because, talking of gaping chasms and pure loathing, we have the bonkers Brexit debate between Tezza and Jezza to look forward to. On the same night as the final of I’m A Celebrity.

So we have a choice of watching two toothless, dead-eyed reptiles slithering through a maze of pointless pitfalls and hot air on a TV debate... or the Jungle.

 ??  ?? ANGRY: Jeremy Corbyn
ANGRY: Jeremy Corbyn
 ??  ?? DIVISION: Theresa May
DIVISION: Theresa May

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