Daily Star

PM must know Brexit deal has zero support


° Theresa May will find it impossible to sell her sneaky corrupt deal to the UK public because for a start she is not liked and second no one trusts a snobby conservati­ve after they have caused austerity pain. Wise Ged

° So theresa may has good deal eh??? Anybody who believes anything that a tory says is a mug. Think about it people (especially you working a** tory voters) they said austerity was good for you, they said that universal credit will be good .... Good for who. Robfromcas

° Hey May you’re the one who said No Deal is better than a Bad Deal so what are you waiting for. JL

° I voted out, I’m not asking 4 a second referendum or another general election. D. Evans west mid

° so gutless May has almost given into Spain over Gibraltar, what next giving Falklands to Argies? stig2

° May has sold this country down the river over brexit – money better spent on NHS. raven blacks n east

° may same as Guy Fawkes, take her to the tower of london. Big R. N/ARDS

° who does this PM think she is! She sticks 2 fingers up at 17.5 million brexiters, forges a deal which is not what they voted for, then asks them to back her to get her way!! buchy

° Whatever your views on brexit are both remain and leave MPS have stooped to lying, scaremonge­ring etc to hoodwink the public into voting their way. Dirty, dirty politics. AL, DURHAM

° I know it may sound contrite, but one of the reasons for not being part of Europe can be found in Eurovision. If you look at this you will see that the majority of Europe don’t like us. Therefore if any legislatio­n looks a good deal for the UK then it will be voted down. Unfortunat­ely a lot of European Countries feel that we are arrogant and above ourselves & need taking down a peg or two. Sad but true. Gary. Oldham

° totally disgusted that mayday treating the politicall­y knowledgea­ble voters as uneducated oiks, I vote no deal brexit. We r not part of EU, we are an island who sadly seeing our culture, heritage and strength diminished by political correctnes­s and taxpayers billions spent propping up EU. Bankrupt Italy and Greece will drop EU like ton of bricks if we pull out. Within 5 yrs 25 remaining EU members will drop barnier and co as cash guzzlers. A free Europe. Lily the pink ° May’s Brexit deal is rubbish. It would mean we are still under Europe’s control. The only people that can’t see this is May and her Cabinet! Now that is worrying. Out means out!


° Brexit is just a tory smokescree­n so they avoid blame over austerity and thousands dying due to cuts. PLEB

° Tory party should change their colour from Blue to Brown party, reason being all the amount of Times they Crawl and Lick the Foreign EU a++++, brexit now no deal what brits voted for not to be tied to EU winoes. COL

° Tories had their chance to ditch Theresa May at the last disastrous election result. Never mind in 2 and half years time, they will have another if May sticks to her brexit plan. Des

° All millionair­e MPs are trying to derail Brexit, regardless of whether they say they’re in or out, and its for their own selfish financial security.


° Remember when we joined the Common Market in the 1970s? We were told this would mean cheaper food for the UK. Then it was shown on TV thousands of tons of tomatoes being dumped to keep the price up. Then thousands of tons of cheap butter was given to Russia – who weren’t even in the Common Market. we should have seen the light then! Patzi

° I’m fed up hearing oh the will of the people, scotland got no say on the poll tax, trident, austerity or brexit.

Stevie, m/well

° RE Pieface: DUP care only for themselves and their wealthy mates. They supported Universal Credits. They even voted against a report into its effects. Ulster Robin

° If Theresa May was on Strictly, there’d be a quicker exit than Brexit! DANCING QUEEN

° What school did Theresa May go to? Grange Hill? Re Brexit, just say no! BEMUSED

° What sort of country have we become. while waiting for a bus glancing through my papers I see it will cost the taxpayer just over 3 million to do up home for Harry and Megan while a queue formed across the road waiting for the food bank to open. SHAME on you Royal Family. jackie Liverpool

° me and my dad didn’t get on. I said to him can I go skating on a frozen pond he said wait till it gets warmer.

tony worksop

°can we please have a Brexit free day tomorrow? Ed

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