Daily Star


Insect invasion in store

- ® by MARK CHANDLER news@dailystar.co.uk

THE cold snap could lead to an invasion of homes by skin-chomping silverfish.

The tiny creepy-crawlies are attracted to places with high levels of damp or condensati­on.

And experts say the bugs will eat anything from curtains to human hair and skin.

The pests – which get their names from their silvery colour and fish-like movements – scuttle around in the dark, can live for eight years and jump up to two feet high.

And, with the onset of winter weather, it is now the perfect time for them to appear in British homes.

Ranjen Gohri, an expert for property maintenanc­e firm 24/7 Home Rescue, said: “Silverfish are actually the oldest known pests on Earth.

“If you’re spotting tiny holes in your clothes or curtains, you might have an infestatio­n without even realising it.

“They’ll eat anything. But skin cells are a delicacy to silverfish.”

With families turning up their radiators and closing their doors at this time of year, homes are more likely to have moisture, which the night-crawlers crave.

They can be detected by the telltale small yellow stains they leave behind.

Ranjen said: “Silverfish prefer damp homes, so if you’ve got musty house issues or a muggy bathroom or cellar, you could easily have these unwanted guests hanging around.

“And they could be around for some time, given that they can live up to eight years.”

He went on: “They’re quite secretive, but you may see them scurrying away in the night when you’re making a loo visit. “Keep your eyes peeled. “You might also see droppings that look like small peppercorn­s or pellets, or holes in your wallpaper, books or clothes.”

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