Daily Star

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CAN I throw my useless bloke out on his ear just before Christmas?

I’ve had it with him. He’s messy and lazy and speaks to me like I’m trash.

He doesn’t work or contribute anything towards the bills, yet expects food on the table and beer in the fridge.

I finish work at 6pm and he texts me the minute I’m free to ask me what’s for dinner and what time I will be home.

If I dare to say that I’m going shopping or out for a drink, then he hits the roof.

He accuses me of sleeping with other men behind his back. He’s obsessed with my boss and is convinced that I’m having a sordid, sexual affair with him.


I’ve explained a million times that he’s gay, but my bloke won’t have it. He says I’m selfish, useless and an alcoholic.

Most of the time it’s simply easier to come straight home rather than risk his temper.

Yes, he does receive some benefits, but he spends anything he has on himself. He also cadges cash off his mum and dad, but I never get a sniff of that either.

He’s so obsessed with gaming that it doesn’t even cross his mind to get a job and earn money.

When I first met him he was a funny, good-looking fella. Now he’s Mr Blobby in sweat pants.

He’s eating rubbish and isn’t even much good in bed any more. The last few times we’ve tried to make love, he’s failed to rise to the occasion. I do everything in my power to turn him on and feel good about himself, but it’s all thrown back in my face.

I’m struggling to cope. A girl at work knows what I’m going through. She’s always catching me crying in the toilets.

All I want is some peace and quiet. I don’t even care about Christmas food or presents – I just want my life and my space back. Is that too unreasonab­le? JANE SAYS: Your boyfriend’s existence sounds utterly bleak and soulless.

It’s very possible he is depressed. Staying at home all day may have sapped him of his confidence and his energy.

And any form of obsessive behaviour, such as the endless gaming, is never healthy. But are his problems really your problems?

Isn’t there a very strong possibilit­y that if he hangs around for much longer, then you’ll take a serious dip yourself?

Tell him you can’t go on like this. Is he wiling to accept that he might have a problem that could require profession­al, medical help?

Would he be wiling to make an appointmen­t to see his GP? If he’s not prepared to meet you halfway, then you will have to move on for the sake of your own health, sex life and sanity.

You say he has solvent parents, so insist he moves in with them for the holiday season to give you time to get your mind straight.

It’s sad that he hasn’t turned out to be the guy you want him to be, but if he’s cruel, unproducti­ve and he’s bringing you down, then he needs to sort himself out.

It’s not a case of you throwing him out in the frozen snow, but working out what is best for both of you in the long run.

 ??  ?? WASTING MY TIME: He spends all day gaming and expecting her to work and cook for him
WASTING MY TIME: He spends all day gaming and expecting her to work and cook for him
 ??  ??

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