Daily Star

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I HATE how I look. I’m overweight, spotty and my eye bags have eye bags.

My clothes don’t fit me and I loathe my hair. My best friend has offered to take me shopping but I can’t face a changing room mirror.

I’m dreading Christmas because my ex-partner will be at my best friend’s engagement party on Boxing Day.

He’s taking his new partner – a girl who is so gorgeous she could be a model.

I don’t know how I’ll face everyone. I’m accident prone and uncoordina­ted and I know I’ll make a fool of myself.

JANE SAYS: I feel your pain. No-one relishes the thought of mixing with an ex-lover and their new partner.

Do you really need to attend your friend’s engagement party? I’m not sure you do.

I’m not advocating you run away, but this knees-up sounds like a nightmare.

You’re not in a good place right now, either mentally or physically and you need to start being kinder to yourself.

Ask your friend to understand. Tell her you love her to bits and will happily celebrate her wedding when you’re feeling stronger.

Then concentrat­e on getting yourself better.

Talk to your GP about your weight, skin and negative feelings and see about a diet sheet and a set of exercises.

Don’t forget that brisk walks and cold swims are great for clearing the mind.

Set yourself personal targets for the New Year and rise again.

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