Daily Star



CAROL singers enjoy a cannabisli­ke high, scientists have discovered.

The annual tradition of warbling Jingle Bells not only brings festive cheer but is also surprising­ly good for your health.

Researcher­s found the levels of natural brain compound anandamide (AEA) soared in women who belonged to a choir.

Experts found blood levels of AEA went up by more than 40% among singers.

The scientists even reckon bursting into song could help those with depression and offer an alternativ­e to drugs.

Dubbed the “bliss molecule”, AEA bears a similar structure to tetrahydro­cannabinol, a compound found in cannabis.

The researcher­s at Nottingham University studied the effects on volunteers before and after 30 minutes of dancing, singing or reading books.

But they found singing was the only activity out of the three to increase levels and improve mood, suggesting it helps produce a natural high.

Joseph Fort, director of the Chapel Choir, King’s College London, said he was unsurprise­d by the results.

He said: “Choral singers have long sensed something along these lines – that they come out of a rehearsal feeling energised, happy, buoyant.”

He added: “In an era when we have to justify music’s presence in the educationa­l curriculum, this research enables us to show that the benefits of singing extend far beyond the act of singing itself.”

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