Daily Star

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I’M in a very awkward situation at work… I made the classic mistake of snogging someone I shouldn’t have at the Christmas party!

I’m dreading going back to work in the new year. I ended up kissing a female colleague, who I have no interest in at all! We got a cab back to hers, but on the way there I sobered up a bit and managed to make my excuses and leave.

All my workmates think we spent the night together and she’s been constantly messaging me saying how happy she is that it happened! What should I do?

Cameron, 24, Aberdeen YOU kissed her – presumably in public.

You then got a cab with her, though you didn’t compound your error by going back to her place.

You’ve now got her pursuing you, clearly thinking you feel the same way about her.

There’s not much you can do about it being common knowledge that you kissed her, but you can try to minimise any damage. The first thing to do is be a gentleman about all this and have a “quiet word” with the colleague in question.

You can blame it on whatever you like but I would go for the option of you having a strict policy of not mixing business and pleasure – and not being able to embark on a workplace romance. When it comes to your other colleagues, the best solution is to ignore them!

They may try to tease but don’t rise to it. Feel free to point out that you only shared a cab and that you never took this any further. that TRY to remember this situations like are soon forgotten time, about and, in fun should become not the memories. It’s so end of the world hard on don’t be too yourself.

 ??  ?? RIGHT TURKEY: Party snog
RIGHT TURKEY: Party snog
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