Daily Star



8I@<J DXiZ_ )( kf 8gi`c )'

TRY to ignore that little voice in your head saying your efforts are doomed to fail. Whether you are embarking on a new project or applying for your dream job is immaterial. Other people have faith in your abilities and you should believe in yourself too.


Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3801**

DXp )) kf Ale\ ))

DEVOTE more time to people and activities you enjoy. Being open with family and friends keeps up a positive flow of energy. Bonds are being formed and if this means spending less time at work, so be it. People feel valued when you are with them. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3803**

C<F Alcp )+ kf 8l^ljk )*

KEEP on top of a group project in danger of flying off the rails. Your contributi­on can make a real difference. Develop strategies to make everyone feel included. Encourage others to showcase their strengths and your popularity will soar.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3805**


YOU may have to further your education to get ahead. If you feel you’re being forced to accept any job available for all the wrong reasons, you should think again. Going on a training course will lead to an exciting career opportunit­y in your desired field. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3802**

:8E:<I Ale\ )* kf Alcp )*

A CHANCE to travel is too good to resist. Exploring a city known for its culture and distinctiv­e style will allow your creative juices to flow.You will have a fabulous time on this adventure and will return home in a better mood to attend to your usual responsibi­lities. M@I>F

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3804**

8l^ljk )+ kf J\gk\dY\i )*

IS daily life becoming a chore? You need to be more spontaneou­s. It’s important for you to strike a balance between work and play.Take the day off. Find tasks that draw on your creativity. When you devote time to pleasurabl­e pursuits, you will thrive. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s on 0905 789 3806**

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