Daily Star

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SHAUN Williamson is kicking himself. I’ve just asked him 10 random pub quiz questions and one of them has left him stumped.

Who was the first star booted off Celebrity Fame Academy in 2005?

The answer, I finally tell him, is Al Murray. “Oh, you’re joking!” he cries. “Really?”

Yes, really. The irony being that Shaun – still best known as Barry from EastEnders, despite being killed off 15 years ago – is about to become a regular on Al’s Great British Pub Quiz, launching tonight on Quest. He’s going to be its knowall barman. Or know-nearly-all.

To be fair, he does have an impressive track record, quiz-wise, having been “lucky enough” as he modestly puts it, to triumph on Celebrity Mastermind, Pointless, Eggheads and The Chase.

So, despite having left school with barely a qualificat­ion, he’s clearly a bit of a brainbox.

“Well, I think the questions are slightly easier on the celebrity shows,” he insists.

Shaun’s final moments as Walford’s lovable loser Barry Evans, in 2004, saw him take a fatal tumble from a cliff, albeit with a little help from his less than loving wife Janine.

So did leaving Enders hurt, I ask? His reply – “It hurt my bank manager” – clearly isn’t entirely a joke. EastEnders had been his first job after stage school. He had previously

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