Daily Star

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I can’t believe that Theresa May stated that the rise in knife crime has nothing to do with the cuts in policing. God help us with Brexit. LEO, LEEDS


Always knew Theresa May was stupid and pig-ignorant. But does she in her wildest dreams really believe that the people of this country believe lack of police on street has nothing to do with dramatic rise in crime? If she does she should be in an asylum! Reg Pollard


Tory gov isn’t keeping the public safe thanks to austerity cuts. The crooks know it and are having a field day. Angst


All this crime rise is caused by this government with cuts to benefits, more people using food banks. This government is going back to the Victorian times! All because they want that bloody HS2 train network! Micky Chambo


Didn’t Torys tell us at their party conference they wud get crime & knife crime down & more police on our streets – another false promise. Gary


May & top MPs are surrounded by security guards 24/7 so are not interested in looking after joe public. PIP


Bring back the good old bobbying of the 60s and 70s. Knife crime would soon be sorted. Golden Oldie


knife crime, gun crime, any violent crime, death sentence is too easy. Only a whole-life term with hard labour will suffice. 2 meals a day. If refuse to work, solitary confinemen­t with bread & water. But, of course, I’m a barbarian. This silly, soft country & misguided dogooders, minmum 18 yrs in cushty prison. Whole-life term 4 families of victim. If we do not get tough with these misfit beasts there really is no deterrant at all. The to**ers will come out of prison with a massive badge of honour. Bantaman


They need a minimum 2 years jail for carrying a knife, it works with the 5 years for carrying a gun. It’s the only way to cut down on knife crime because they only get a slap on the wrist when they get caught with 1. Do a poll and see what people think. Gaz m/cr


The way to deal with the problem is bring back the death penalty perhaps these murderers will think twice before carrying knives. LJD


Jon Venables fears for his life. So venables now u know how little james bulger felt. scumbag! swamp duck


That B ***** D Brady lost all his rights when he murdered Keith Bennett & other victims. His briefcase should be opened by law. SCOUSE


I find it disgusting that a judge & Brady’s solicitor object to open his briefcase which could help find Keith Bennett’s body. Hazel Nutt


We keep hearing about a shortage of police on the streets of which there certainly is. We never hear of a shortage of lard-a**e traffic cops. Because they’re the ones that bring all the cash in just on the lookout for drivers on mobiles and not wearing seatbelts. Willo


Guy Fawkes Grayling burnt £33 million of taxpayers cash. What planet is he living on? Wilf Dudley


Chris Spartacus grayling the man with no ships: resign, no shame in this government. Paul h Scunthorpe


Anytime Parliament is televised there is hardly anyone there. Why are MPs not made to work 9-5 five days a week like ordinary people? Hardworker


How come inept minister chris grayling has held important jobs, he gave contracts to firms who were useless as justice minister now is costing us 30 million as transport chief. The man is clueless get rid! Asymmetric­al


The pig ignorance of morons like Michael Wilshaw is staggering. Schools are being forced to close early because they are being starved of cash by this Tory Government. It’s high time rent a gobs like Wilshaw grew up and took a few lessons in reality. Nobby, Sutton


RE Lawman and Widow Vulture: I too suffered the board duster treatment from our school mistress. Who lived to be 85. I also was caned by our headmaster, housemaste­r and gamesmaste­r on a reguler basis keeping them the fittest teachers in town. They lived to be 90, 87, 86 and I respected them all. I visited them all before they died. Bazboy


Momo masks for sale online! I’m not surprised because the mask is needed by the idiots who buy them, to cover their own Unsightly UGLY MUG? REBEL


To the guy who threw an egg at Jeremy Corbin, shame it didn’t include the rest of the pancake ingredient­s and the frying pan! Des the describer


I’ve just been blocked on twitter by gary barlow, whatever I said whatever I did, I didn’t mean it... Tony, Worksop


You know that look women get when they want sex? Me neither. Schburt

 ??  ?? is recession This I getting worse, coffee ordered a they gave today and me a flat broke!
is recession This I getting worse, coffee ordered a they gave today and me a flat broke!

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