Daily Star

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A YEAR ago, after I’d been with my boyfriend for three years, he romantical­ly asked me to marry him.

We were walking along the beach near our home and he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring.

I was so overcome I burst into tears and of course I said yes!

But since then nothing has happened.

He hasn’t mentioned our wedding from that day to this and it’s really upsetting me.

I’ve made odd remarks about setting a date or where would be great for a honeymoon, but he just changes the subject.

The other day we saw a married couple go by in a horse-drawn carriage. I said I’d love something like that at our wedding, but he carried on looking at his phone. It’s like I’m talking a different language.

I love him so much and he says he loves me, so what’s gone wrong? JANE SAYS: If your guy has developed cold feet you deserve to know.

You’ve got to tackle this head-on rather than just dropping hints, which he is finding easy to ignore.

Sit him down and ask him if he’s changed his mind.

Beg him to be open and honest about his feelings. If he really doesn’t love you any more or he’s found someone else, then you deserve to know.

He could be worried about the cost of a big wedding. If you have been talking about a lavish day and he’s broke, then promise to scale it down.

I suspect he asked you to marry him but didn’t really consider the details or the organisati­on required.

Have this out now so that plans can be made – or not…

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