Daily Star


Fears for guards’ safety

- by WILL METCALFE news@dailystar.co.uk

RIFLES, revolvers and pistols are among the weapons seized in Britain’s “wild west” jails.

A shocking 23 guns have been found smuggled into prison cells in England and Wales in the past 10 years.

One prison guard, who did not want to be named, said: “The country is on a knife edge at the moment and the prison service is no different.

“If these are the times they have found a weapon, I guarantee there will be plenty more we have missed. It’s like the wild west in our jails at the minute.”

Mark Fairhurst, chairman of the Prison Officers’ Associatio­n, called for Government cash to protect not only his members but inmates at the jails.

He said: “Security in our prisons has been compromise­d. The POA have always advocated airport-style security in all prisons so everyone entering a prison receives a mandatory search at the gate.

“A firearm in a prison is a serious risk to staff and prisoner safety.”

And Shadow Justice Secretary Richard Burgon said: “Tory cuts to staffing have left our prisons more dangerous than ever.

“With long-serving officers leaving at a faster rate than ever, the Government has created a dangerous cocktail of inexperien­ced officers and experience­d prisoners.”

The Ministry of Justice did not comment.

THE crisis engulfing our jails seems to be growing by the day.

Riots, widespread drug use and assaults on staff are just some of the problems faced on a daily basis.

Quite simply, our prisons are out of control.

So the fact inmates have managed to get their hands on guns is a huge cause for concern.

Rifles, revolvers and pistols are among the deadly weapons seized from them.

Stashes of guns are regularly found behind bars.

Insiders have warned that the prison service is on a “knife edge”.

Security is being seriously compromise­d.

Our overcrowde­d “wild west” prisons clearly need more money.

It will only get harder to recruit staff unless they are properly funded.

And the problems will only get worse.

We’re storing up more trouble for the future if we don’t take control of the situation now. Action is needed.

 ??  ?? CASH DEMAND: Fairhurst
CASH DEMAND: Fairhurst

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