Daily Star

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How tragic 50 people murdered by yet another radicalise­d terrorist. But this one was the worst kind of beast, filming his slaughter for the world to see. To think this can happen even in peace-loving NZ. My heart goes out to the victims’ families. bless them.

Another atrocity of terrorism masqueradi­ng under the banner of religious inclinatio­ns. Christians and Muslims have fought for supremacy for 2,000 yrs with barbaric acts committed by both sides claiming to be peace loving. No wonder ppl abandoning places of worship. They are no longer sanctuarie­s for faith. Time all religions pulled together to stop terrorism.

White supremacis­ts: to me you are no different from terrorist ISIS scum.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of the shooting in New Zealand. a national uk railcard should be introduced now, regardless of any age or status. Are there STILL police on the streets? I have seen one policeman on our streets since last July. I went to my local police station to make an inquiry about a letter I had received, which I thought was a scam. The door of the station was locked. Pressing the intercom I explained why I was there. A voice said “There is no one available to speak to you”. Why bother having a police station if there is nobody there to talk to!

Just read two murder stories where the murderers received life sentences: LIFE should mean LIFE with no parole whatsoever. how come when sportspeop­le/ celebratit­y addicts fall off the wagon the media goes on about how by speaking out it helps people 2 seek help. these same people nearly always speak out when their out of the limelight never at the HEIGHT of their careers. it’s a pity the joe public addicts dont get the same help/ sympathy instead of being looked down on.

Everytime a fan, bottle or missile is on the pitch, the club should face a automatic 3 point deduction. That would stop them in their tracks and force clubs to take the issue seriously. so pupils can stay away from school for a protest but if their parents do not send them to school they get penalised. something wrong somewhere. Never liked Thatcher but wish she’d been around 3 years ago to deal with Brexit, Barnier, Juncker & all the Remoaners.

This has got to be the worst government ever. even worse than Thatcher & Blair and that’s saying something. Well at least we now know what our vote means in the UK. It is not for democracy, as we are being forced to swallow May’s “polished turd” of a Brexit deal. It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. GOD please sort this Brexit rubbish out please. Anyone. I don’t think I could stand another 3 months/ year of listening to this garbage on the news. Bored witless listening to it. 30 years ago the internet was born. has it been for the good of humanity or the bad? it has defo allowed people with surpressed beliefs a platform to unleash their vile hatred. i remember a time without this monster. so i ring up customer services 2 sort out a problem i had. the automated voice at the other end says your call is important 2 us. how can it be? if it was, u would pick up the phone!

On the run-up to St Patrick’s Day I managed to fool everyone at Cheltenam that I was Irish by wearing a silly hat and drinking pints of Guinness in the beer tent all day.

After the sweepstake for Cheltenham last week, can we organise a sweepstake for “who will score Manchester City’s next offside goal?”

I would like to take a herd of zebra through a supermarke­t and set off all the barcode scanners!

A man was admitted to hospital yesterday with six plastic toy horses in his stomach. a hospital spokesman said he was in a “stable” condition. My mate said “they’re filming up my end next week”. I said is it a film or TV series? He said “no a colonoscop­y.”

 ??  ?? John I think i’ll ask get my Bercow to for me. next pizza he’s ‘ORDER, ORDER’. what you going to get want and probably extra toppings thrown in. ° ° ° °
John I think i’ll ask get my Bercow to for me. next pizza he’s ‘ORDER, ORDER’. what you going to get want and probably extra toppings thrown in. ° ° ° °

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