Daily Star

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OWN GOAL: BBC dropped show Absolutely livid that TV’s Casualty was replaced by football on Saturday night. But as we know, everything stops for sport and rotten FA Cup match. who gives a monkeys? the BBC keep putting licence fee up, but keep taking programmes we like off. why on earth can they not put football on BBC2? it is just wrong. we should have money deducted every time it happens. now the bbc have got what they wanted with an increase in the licence fee maybe we can look forward to some better programs. not a cat in hell’s chance. comic relief on paper is a brilliant concept but to see it blatantly taken over by the snowflake brigade is awful. the only decent things on a confusing night was mamma mia and a brilliant take on bodyguard.

Bored with nothing 2 watch 1 tuned into U Tube and Jasper Carrott show. Havent laughed so much in ages. No swearing just cheeky hilarious comedy. Where r his type 2day? had a right good laugh on friday night, well done to everyone involved, thank god for gogglebox!

There was a list of possible actors lined up to be the next James Bond recently. I was surprised that British actor Jason Statham wasn’t included. I was just wondering why?

Just watched revamped version of bargain hunt but not sure yet if i like it so will reserve judgement 4 a later date.

The Bill was good at first but at the end became a soap opera with every cop in Sun Hill being a liar/cheat/thief or crooked. i woke up after an operation and said to the man sitting at my bedside ‘was my operation a success? he said, ‘i’ve no idea, i’m st peter’.

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