Daily Star



it’s time the Queen stepped in and told this parliament to carry out the wishes of her subjects which is what they were elected to do and get out of the EU with No Deal. Carry out the wishes of the people before anarchy raises its head. We will survive. SATCH

I never thought I would agree with Barnier but it is clear that since 2016 MPs have spent every minute looking for loopholes to avoid brexit against 17-4m wishes.


John Bercow has turned against the will of the people, we need mass demonstrat­ions to force that dictator out of office. Jasmine

I think somebody has ambitions to one day become speaker of the European Parliament, along with all the financial rewards of the Brussels gravy train, and won’t let a thing like democracy stand in his way. The man is nothing but an egotistica­l snake.

Paul, Doncaster

so John berk quoted a parliament­ary convention dating back to 1604 that says votes cannot be done twice – well we voted for brexit so job done you little t ** t.

nanny val

who does this bercrow bloke think he is, get the smug remoaner out now. Pensioner

Henpecked, obnoxious gnome john bercow should be kicked out of parliament. Holly, London

So it’s all going to plan for Theresa May and her Brexit sham, leave it long enough and it might never happen, as for the 17 plus million of us who voted out, a quote from Johnny rotten in the great rock and roll swindle, ‘Do you ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?’ Phil D Leeds

We can now say bye bye to Brexit thanks to May and her Remainer friends. Shower of t ** ts.


John Judas Bercow, the traffic warden of British politics.


Remainer May you are one out & out b*****d you’ll be going for an extension instead of No Deal. “No deal better than a Bad deal” my a **e. POPEYE

So was the referendum a meaningful vote...? Obviously not.


Theresa May once said that ‘No deal is better than a bad deal.’ The deal that she is trying to get through parliament at the moment is a bad deal. Instead of voting to remove no deal, MPs should have had two choices, vote for no deal or May’s deal. Dave Pinfold, Stockport

Tory Mps will back Brexit deal if Theresa May resigns! So they’re saying the issue isn’t the deal but purely getting rid of TM. Either they agree deal or not. Esther McVey already seeing herself as PM. Someone should point out to them that we are leaving EU as per referendum. Politician­s only interested in themselves and not what country voted for: Brexit. fed up BURY

Anna Maxwell Martin vilifies Cameron for calling a long overdue referendum, why? It wasn’t him that decided the result it was the majority of voters – remainers and democracy don’t mix. Bry Anglesey

Do all these leavers really think boris, mogg, farage care about your jobs, pensions, etc? There stashing there wealth and couldn’t care less if your destitute. Stevie, m/well

The house of commons is a waste of tax payers money, we need a peoples referendum to cut it down to size, with just one MP per county. James

our farmers are worried about losing their subsidies when we leave the eu, but they don’t seem to be aware that those subsidies come from the billions we plough into the eu coffers and that when we leave we will have those billions we save to spend here. Sherlock

Just realised, as soon as we come out of Europe, Tories will have a budget & blame every price/ duty increase on Brexit. Crafty b *****d’s. Gary. Chadderton

So a racing pigeon, known as the “Lewis Hamilton” of racing pigeons, has been sold for a million pounds in China. I bet he’s bang on average if they take his car off him.


i just bought some armageddon cheese it says on it best before the end of the world. tony the window cleaner

I saved money by self catering for my wedding meals. It was just a bowl of a well known cereal! The guests were livid! It was a Frosties reception! Dave Skinflint

I hit someone with a huge crystal of sodium chloride. I got arrested for a salt. Biffo

i’m fed up of people making fun of my dyslexia, it’s not big and it’s not fanny. Peter

When I was young I asked my mum, “What’s a transvesti­te?” She answered “Ask your dad. She’ll tell you!” Grant Hately

My mate said his new pet cat cost him an arm and a leg. I replied what is it a lion. AL stuy preston of roseworth

Graham, Hull

 ??  ?? coffins Will glass one be popular to day? Remains be seen.
coffins Will glass one be popular to day? Remains be seen.
 ??  ??
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 ??  ??   how about a pic of corries sair khan.
how about a pic of corries sair khan.

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