Daily Star

Johnson & Trump Spitting feathers


- by PAUL DONNELLEY news@dailystar.co.uk

SPITTING Image is set to make a telly comeback – thanks to Boris Johnson.

Producers are already working on a new version of the show for American TV.

But since Johnson, right, became Prime Minister, telly bosses have been considerin­g producing another series for

Brit fans too.

Insiders at production company Avalon Television claim having Johnson and US President Donald Trump, right, on the world stage is too good an opportunit­y to miss.

A source revealed: “When Boris was elected Tory leader and they realised they had the Boris And Donald Show on their hands, there was a real injection of enthusiasm and things started to happen. There is a fantastic vibe around the production because of the legendary status of the show.”

The puppet show created by Peter Fluck and Roger Law ran from 1984 to 1996, with viewing figures often hitting 15million. Earlier this year, John Lloyd, the producer of the original series, said: “Spitting Image is very good at airing the issues in a way that make people laugh about them.”

ANOTHER weekend – two more mass shootings in the US.

Sadly, gun massacres happen far too regularly across the Pond.

A California­n garlic festival, a Walmart supermarke­t in Mississipp­i, another Walmart in Texas and a popular entertainm­ent district have been the scenes of slayings in the last week.

Killings in schools, shopping malls and churches happen with sickening frequency.

Firearm-toting cowards fuelled by misguided hate slaughter innocent victims in public places as they go about their normal lives.

Deadly incidents that occur so often they’re referred to simply by location – Columbine, Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, Orlando and now El Paso and Ohio.

When will the US government wake up and realise it is time to end the pointless deaths of their own civilians and get tougher on gun control?

At least 29 people lost their lives over the past two days.

How many more have to die at the hands of twisted armed murderers before president Donald Trump acts?

The answer is simple: None. It has to stop.

 ??  ?? CLASSIC: Margaret Thatcher and Cabinet in show’s heyday
CLASSIC: Margaret Thatcher and Cabinet in show’s heyday
 ??  ??

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